发布时间:2024-03-28 20:44:07

[单项选择]Roger: Hi, Frank.Frank: Hi, Roger. The party is really nice, isn't itRoger: ______. Lots of food and drinks!
A. It is real
B. It sure is
C. It is certain
D. It must be

更多"Roger: Hi, Frank.Frank: Hi, Roger. "的相关试题:

[单项选择]Roger: Hi, Frank.Frank: Hi, Roger. The party is really nice, isn't itRoger: ______. Lots of food and drinks !
A. It is real
B. It sure is
C. It is certain
D. It must be
[单项选择]Roger: Hi, Frank. Frank: Hi, Roger. The party is really nice, isn't it Roger: ______. Lots of food and drinks!
A. It is real
B. It sure is
C. It is certain
D. It must be
A. 四肢小动脉痉挛
B. 小儿多动症
C. 二尖瓣狭窄并房室间隔缺损
D. 风湿热舞蹈症
E. 室间隔缺损口面积<0.5cm2/m2(体表面积)临床无症状者
A. 原发孔房间隔缺损
B. 继发孔房间隔缺损
C. 小型室间隔缺损
D. 中型室间隔缺损
E. 大型室间隔缺损
[单项选择]( )party shall notify the other party of the ratification by their respective authorities.
A. Each
B. One
C. Either
D. A
[单项选择]( )party shall notify the other party of the ratification by their respective authorities.
A. Each
B. One
C. Either
D. A
[单项选择]Roger's understanding of the pointillist technique is profound, albeit thoroughly-------; there are few who can ------- his talent, recognized often and justly, for understatement and economy in the use of color.
A. (A) specialized... match
B. (B) brilliant... imitate
C. (C) needless... disregard
D. (D) ill-founded... approximate
E. (E) inventive ... simulate

Text 3
Roger Michell describes his potent new film as "a thriller about love". Adapted from Ian McEwan’s novel, Enduring Love, stars Daniel Craig as Joe, a peevish and splendidly irritating social anthropologist, and Rhys Ifans as the scruffy, puppy-like God botherer who, after an accident with a hot-air balloon, becomes obsessed with him.
"As soon as Rhys’ character says, ’Let’s sit down and pray’, "chuckles the director, "you know there’s bad news ahead. In the book he is a more happy-clappy evangelist, but we toned it down."
Although clearly drawn to such eccentric characters, Michell himself is thoroughly down-to-earth. "I’m one of those boring people who knew what I wanted to do from an early age," he explains. "I started acting as a child but was completely hopeless so started directing little plays in school."
He went on to direct around 15 pla
A. he is in a bad relation with the cigar-chomping studio executive.
B. he has a strong desire to live with his family in London.
C. he has no good feeling toward America for some things.
D. he would rather make films he wants in his homeland.


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