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发布时间:2023-10-16 02:23:47

[单项选择]My wife said in her letter that she would appreciate _______from you sometime.
A. to have heard
B. to hear
C. for hearing
D. hearing

更多"My wife said in her letter that she"的相关试题:

[单项选择]My wife said in her letter that she would appreciate () from you sometime.
A. to have heard
B. to hear
C. for hearing
D. hearing
[单项选择]She said that she Would leave her husband for a while, long enough for him to miss her, and for herself to come to______ with her new discovery.
A. agreements
B. touch
C. terms
D. grips
[单项选择]My sister said that she would work out the problem herself______ ask my brother for help.
A. yet not
B. but not
C. and not to
D. rather than
[单项选择]Mary said her mother (would buy her) a (five-speeds) racing bicycle (for) his (sixteenth birthday).
A. would buy her
B. five-speeds
C. for
D. sixteenth birthday
[单项选择]She said she would come today, and I expect her at any moment.
A. 她说她今天要来,我想她随时都会到。
B. 她说女也今天要来,我一直在等她。
C. 她说她今天要来,我倒希望她什么时候都来。
D. 既然她说他今天要来,我就等她。
[单项选择]My wife conveyed her meaning to me by expression that she was ______ that fur scarf, whether I approved it or not.
A. deficient in
B. short of
C. intent on
D. abundant in
[单项选择]She said that she would be here at seven o'clock. But she didn't ______ until eight thirty.
A. turn on
B. turn up
C. turn out
D. turn down
[单项选择]The mother said she would ______ her son washing the dishes if he could finish his assignment before supper.
A. let down
B. let alone
C. let off
D. let out
[单项选择]The mother said she would______ her son washing the dishes if he could finish his assignment before supper.
A. let down
B. let alone
C. let off
D. let out
[单项选择]The teacher said she liked my composition, and then {{U}}proceeded{{/U}} to criticize every line of it!
A. continued
B. finished
C. revealed
D. enjoyed
[单项选择]The mother said she would _____________her son washing the dishes if he could finish his assignment before supper.
A. let down
B. let alone
C. let off
D. let out


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