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发布时间:2023-11-27 22:28:56

[单项选择]______ his great wealth, he always remained a man of simple tastes.
A. Except for
B. With regard to
C. Although
D. Despite

更多"______ his great wealth, he always "的相关试题:

[单项选择]______ his great wealth, he always remained a man of simple tastes.
A. Except for
B. With regard to
C. Although
D. Despite
[单项选择]______ all his faults, he is a great man.
A. Regardless
B. Even
C. With
D. However
[单项选择]To his great joy he discovered that his car was becoming ______.
A. sensitive
B. sensible
C. sentimental
D. sensational
[单项选择]He always tries his best to complete it on time.
A. However the task is.
B. However hard the task is.
C. Though hard the task is.
D. Though hard is the task.
[单项选择]He ______ always have his own way.
A. can
B. may
C. should
D. must
[单项选择] He is very popular among his students as he always tries to make them ______in his lectures.
A. interested
B. interesting
C. interest
D. to interest
[单项选择]______, he always tries his best to solve it.
A. Though difficult the problem is
B. However difficult the problem is
C. Though difficult is the problem
D. However the problem is difficult
[单项选择]______, he always tries his best to complete it on time.
A. However the task is hard
B. However hard the task is
C. Though hard the task is
D. Though hard is the task
[单项选择]______ , he always tries his best to complete it on time.
A. However the task is hard
B. However hard the task is
C. Though hard the task is
D. Though hard is the task
[单项选择]Man: Peter was a great guy. He was drowned while rescuing a child from icy water of the fiver yesterday. Woman: Well, as far as I know, that was not the first dangerous situation he was in. Question: What does the woman mean
A. Peter was robust.
B. Peter was brave.
C. Peter was generous.
D. Peter was dangerous.
[单项选择]_________ , he always tries his best to complete it on time.
A. However the task is hard
B. However hard the task is
C. Though hard the task is
D. Though hard is the task
[单项选择]Throughout his political career he has always been in the ____.
A. twilight
B. spotlight
C. streetlight
D. torchlight
[单项选择]Frank has told his friends that he always escapes ______ as he has got a very fast car.

A. being fined
B. to be fined
C. having been fined
D. to fine


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