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发布时间:2023-10-16 09:20:20

[单项选择]According to the passage the following statements can convey a certain kind of information except ______.
A. the time of eye contact
B. the distance between the two persons
C. the way of sitting or standing.
D. the way of talking

更多"According to the passage the follow"的相关试题:

[单项选择]Which of the following statements does the passage support
A. The new scheme will eliminate the poaching in national parks.
B. Bushmen are too poorly educated to use modern technology.
C. Use of the CyberTracker will help to preserve rare animals.
D. The new system has doomed the kudu population.
[单项选择]According to the passage, the following statements are true EXCEPT ______.
A. now there are two language systems, Kanji and katakana in Japan
B. the word "digital camera" appears very different in Japanese
C. people are always confused by the young Japanese pronunciation of "turtle" and "camera"
D. Foreign Words Committee is engaged in finding suitable Japanese replacements for the foreign words
[单项选择]According to the following passage, which of the following statements is true of international comparisons of overall fat intake
A. (A) They provide a reasonable indicator of the health benefits of polyunsaturated fats.
B. (B) They tend to conflate too many factors to provide an effective argument against reducing overall fat intake.
C. (C) They are rife with subtleties too complex for most nutritionists to be able to understand properly.
D. (D) They correctly tend to indicate the necessity for reducing overall fat intake reduction in affluent societies.
E. (E) They tend to lend too much attention to non-dietary causes of coronary heart disease.
[单项选择]According to the passage, which of the statements is NOT true
A. Putin was elected on March 26.
B. Clinton called Putin on March 27 to congratulate him.
C. Clinton wants Putin to maintain the 1972 anti-ballistic missile treaty.
D. Putin wants the right to sell its missile-defence technology to will-be customers.
[单项选择]According the passage, the housework often brings satisfaction to women ______.
A. who are very rich
B. who envy their neighbors
C. who work outside the home
D. who are dependent on their husbands
[单项选择]According to passage, Indian names were important because they ______.
A. described the character of a man
B. described the appearance of a man
C. were never used by other people
D. told us his profession
[单项选择]According to the passage, the following activities promote a sedentary lifestyle, except ______.
A. watching TV
B. browsing the Internet
C. gardening
D. playing video games
[单项选择]According to passage, human beings can survive almost everywhere on Earth because ______.

A. they have developed advanced forms of transportation
B. they have learned how to process seawater for drinking
C. their body temperature can vary considerably
D. their shelters and clothing help them to adapt to the environment
[单项选择]According the passage we know that the two brothers ______.

A. got a large amount of money from their uncle
B. used to make a living by fishing and were quite rich
C. once lived in poverty
D. gave up the search for the sunken treasure after they had a try


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