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发布时间:2023-12-11 22:06:27

[单项选择]Nine is to three ______ three is to one.
A. when
B. that
C. which
D. what

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Passage Three
Nine-year-old Louis Pasteur rushed into the little house, his face white.
"Mother!" he cried. "A mad dog has bitten my friend Henry, and now they are burning him with red-hot irons. It’s terrible!"
"Rabies(狂犬病), Louis. Burning the bites is the only hope of stopping Henry from catching the disease."
Henry did get rabies and died, in great pain, some days later. Louis Pasteur never forgot that. "One day," he thought, "I must do something to help people like Henry."
Sixteen years later Pasteur became a Doctor of Science. And he began making important discoveries in his special field.
Pasteur achieved great success in his life. But during the years of research he lost the use of his left arm and leg. Yet he worked on and on, as hard as ever, as he was eager to find a way for curing rabies. He never forgot his friend Henry.
After many dangerous experimen
A. a degree which is the highest in science
B. a person who works in the lab
C. the post in science
D. someone whose job is to make sick people well again

[单项选择]A boy of nine who is" three years retarded" has a mental age of ______.
A. six
B. nine
C. twelve
D. three
[单项选择]Three straight lines meeting at three points constitute a triangle.()
A. center on
B. come down to
C. consist of
D. form
[单项选择]Relentless rains triggered heavy flooding in nine provinces, where 68 persons were killed. The government pledged relief funds of $ 2.8 million to assuage the calamitous damage.
A. disastrous
B. ruthless
C. persistent
D. tragic
[单项选择]Who says two of the nine are children

A. The Minister.
B. The Ministry.
C. The Mayor.
D. An official.
[单项选择]Nine in ten parents said there were significant differences in their approach to educating their children compared with______of their parents.
A. those
B. one
C. both
D. that
[单项选择]Beethoven, the great musician, wrote nine symphonies in his life, most of them ______ after he had lost his hearing.
A. written
B. were written
C. had been written
D. having written
[单项选择]______ are nine.
A. Three threes
B. Three and three
C. Three three
D. Three and threes
[单项选择]The sun is very large in comparison with its nine ______ planets which, in turn, are circled by a total of thirty-three satellite.
A. surrounding
B. cycling
C. orbiting
D. whirling
[单项选择]Mike had to turn round and drive nine kilometres again.
[单项选择]This book consists of nine units, dealing with the development of skills required in giving speeches in political settings.
A. 这九个单元的主题是如何培养政治演讲这一能力。
B. 本书分为九个单元,内容涉及如何发展作政治演讲所需的各项能力。
C. 这本书仅有九个单元,却解决了如何发展政治演讲这一能力的难题。
D. 本书由九个单元组成,讨论的是如何培养作政治演讲所需的各项能力。
[单项选择]— Must I go there at nine
— No, you


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