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发布时间:2024-01-13 02:56:56

[单项选择]My parents, _________ touring in Britain, are looking forward to a traditional English after- noon tea in a beautiful setting.
A. presently
B. instantly
C. nowadays
D. publicly

更多"My parents, _________ touring in Br"的相关试题:

[单项选择]My parents,()touring in Britain, are looking forward to a traditional English afternoon tea in a beautiful setting.
A. nowadays
B. instantly
C. presently
D. intently
[单项选择]My parents, ______ touring in Britain, are looking forward to a traditional English afternoon tea in a beautiful setting.
A. presently
B. instantly
C. nowadays
D. publicly
[单项选择]I made a call to my parents yesterday. To my disappointment, ______ of them answered it.
A. either
B. none
C. neither
D. nobody
[单项选择]My parents, my aunt and my uncle ()gave me a present on my birthday.
A. each
B. every
C. either
[单项选择]My parents, my aunt and my uncle ()sent me a gift on New Year's Day.
A. each
B. every
C. either
[单项选择]My parents always let me have my own ______ of living.
A. way
B. method
C. manner
D. fashion
[单项选择]What did the future look like for Britain' s food production at the time this article was written
A. The fall in world food prices would benefit British food producers.
B. An expansion of food production was at hand.
C. British food producers would receive more government financial support.
D. It looks depressing despite government guarantees.
[单项选择]If I lose my new watch my parents will be very annoyed _____me.
A. against
B. with
C. for
D. about
[单项选择]What did the future look like for Britain's food production at the time this article was written
A. The fall in world food prices would benefit British food producers.
B. An expansion of food production was at hand.
C. British food producers would receive more government financial support.
D. It looks depressing despite government guarantees.
[单项选择]My parents have lived here()
A. since 1986
B. many years ago
C. for many years ago
D. since 1966 ago
[单项选择]My parents( )me to go to the theatre with my classmates
But! didn't.
A. suggested
B. advised
C. made
D. persuaded
[单项选择]My parents always buy ______ my birthday.
A. anything nice to
B. anything nice for
C. something nice to
D. something nice for


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