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发布时间:2023-12-20 04:07:04

[单项选择]He walked across the meeting room ______ every one looking at him.
A. with
B. as
C. while
D. when

更多"He walked across the meeting room _"的相关试题:

[单项选择]He walked across the meeting room ______ everyone looking at him.
A. with
B. as
C. while
D. when
[单项选择]She walked across immense room ______ every one looking at her.
A. with
B. as
C. while
D. when

He got up, walked across the room, and with a sharp quick movement flung the door widely open.

[单项选择]After entering the living room, he removed his scarf and gloves.
A. moved
B. hung
C. took off
D. put off
[单项选择]Whenever he comes across a serious problem, he likes to ______ it, namely, to think it about carefully and for a long time.
A. contend
B. contempt
C. content
D. contemplate
[单项选择]A first-time mother-to-be is in the labor room, her husband at her bedside. The client states that her contractions began 6 hours ago. Which of the following assessment findings would confirm that the client is in true labor ?()
A. Discomfort located chiefly in the abdomen.
B. Constant intensity of contractions.
C. Contractions occurring every 10 to 15 minutes and lasting 20 to 30 seconds.
D. Cervix that is 100% effaced and 2 cm dilated.
[单项选择]After entering the living room, he {{U}}removed{{/U}} his scarf and gloves.
A. moved
B. hung
C. took off
D. put off
[单项选择]Every time he thought of the innocent people he killed in China, his ______ was troubled.
A. conservation
B. consideration
C. conscience
D. convenience
[单项选择]He walked across the floor and, although he caused little sound, the whole room ______ with his weight.
A. trembled
B. quivered
C. shook
D. vibrated
[单项选择]Recently he______ every night until after one o' clock, preparing for the final exam.
A. shows up
B. show off
C. stays in
D. stays up
[单项选择]The manager has requested that every department head ______ a meeting on May 11.
A. attended
B. attends
C. attend
D. to attend
[单项选择]()all his students, Ann is the one he likes best.
A. On
B. By
C. With
D. Of
[单项选择]This composition is ______ the one he wrote last week.


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