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发布时间:2023-10-21 17:28:50

[单项选择]The foremost argument the author wants to make in the passage is that ______.

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[单项选择]The foremost argument the author wants to make in the passage is that ______.

[单项选择]The author wants to tell us in Par

[单项选择]The author wants to tell us in the Par

[单项选择]According to the first paragraph, the author wants to tell us that______.
A. educational standards that would combine academic and vocational objectives
B. educational standards that would separate academic and vocational curriculums
C. there exists the educational standards argumentation on the combination or separation of the academic and vocational objectives
D. colleges and universities perform such a wide variety of roles
[单项选择]What does the author wants to illustrate with Johnny roaming the streets
A. An instance of arbitrariness.
B. A consequence of permissiveness.
C. A prototype of classics.
D. An example of irresponsibility.
[单项选择]In the first paragraph the author wants to say that ______.
[单项选择]What is the message the author wants to convey in the passage

A. Eating and drinking have become more hazardous than be fore.
B. Immediate measures must be taken to improve food production and processing.
C. Health food is not a dream in modem society.
D. There is reason for caution but no cause for alarm with regard to food consumption.
[单项选择]In the text the author wants his marketers to understand that.

A. advertising to children must stop
B. a libertarian view in advertising is unethical
C. advertising to children must have a clear purpose
D. children must be treated differently when advertising
[单项选择]In the last two paragraphs the author wants to tell us ______.

A. individual efforts can be influential and can not be ignored
B. the difficulty in front of the anti-abortion group
C. the case of Piciotta
D. the success of the anti-abortion side
[单项选择]By quoting the popular saying, the author wants to tell us that ______.

[单项选择]According to the passage, the author wants to tell us about ______.
A. one of the serious social problems
B. the present situation of the homeless
C. the make-up of the homeless
D. the life of the homeless
[单项选择]What the author wants to convey in the last paragraph is that ______.
A. we should have a better understanding of the world
B. we should live an optimistic rather than pessimistic life
C. we can achieve learning by exploring subjects in this world
D. we can lead a meaningful life from the pleasure of learning
[单项选择]The best lesson the author wants his children to learn is
A. how to make their money go long.
B. how to spend their money thriftily.
C. how to make a reasonable budget.
D. how to work with their financial mind.
[单项选择]In the passage the author wants his marketers to understand that __________.
A. advertising to children must stop
B. a libertarian view in advertising is unethical
C. advertising to children must have a clear purpose
D. children must be treated differently when advertising


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