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发布时间:2023-12-25 07:40:32

[单项选择]I will have to ______ my teacher before I make my decision.
A. connect
B. combine
C. contact
D. touch

更多"I will have to ______ my teacher be"的相关试题:

[单项选择]I will have to () my teacher before I make my decision.
A. connect
B. contact
C. combine
D. touch
[单项选择]My teacher had been with me several weeks before I understood that everything has a name.
A. 在我明白一切事物都有自己的名字之前,我和老师在一起呆了好几个星期。
B. 我的老师和我在一起好几个星期,在我懂得每个东西都有一个名字之前。
C. 我和老师生活了几个星期之后,我才明白了每个东西都有自己的名称。
D. 好几个星期过去了直到老师让我明白一切都有一个名字。
[单项选择]W: Hi, Jane. Do you have any change I have to make a call on the pay phone.M:______
A. Speaking please. I can pay for your phone.
B. What You want to borrow some money to buy a phone
C. No change at all. Are you calling from a pay phone
D. Pay phone Why not use my mobile phone
[单项选择]—Mummy, I have broken my train. —I told you so. You ______ on it.
[单项选择]I have enjoyed my visit here. I'll be very sorry ( ).
A. for leaving
B. to leave
C. of leaving
D. with leaving
[单项选择]I wrote a check for more money than I have in my account. I'm afraid I'm ______.
[单项选择]I have just have my computer repaired.How much did they ______ for it
A. pay
B. take
C. cost
D. spend
[单项选择]I have my application form in my hand, but I don't know which office room ______.
A. to send it to
B. to send it
C. to be sent to
D. to have it sent
[单项选择]I have given my third and fourth preferences to candidates (who), (not if) exactly "worthless", know as well as I do (they) have no chance of (being) elected.
A. who
B. not if
C. they
D. being
[单项选择]I have had my eyes tested and the report says that my ______is perfect.
A. vision
B. horizon
C. outlook
D. perspective
[单项选择]I could still have found my way into science in a nonexpansionist civilization of the future, where upward social mobility and its ______ opportunities would no longer be taken for granted to the degree that they have been in recent centuries.
A. attending
B. attendant
C. pendant
D. pending
[单项选择]I have my eyes tested anti the report says that my _______ is perfect.
A. outlook
B. vision
C. horizon
D. perspective
[单项选择]Would it be possible to make an early ,to have my hair cut tomorrow
A. meeting
B. engagement
C. arrangement
D. appointment


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