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发布时间:2024-03-23 06:36:57

[单项选择]Maureen radiates an unfailing common sense and good humor, although not a false cheery______; she has no illusions about life, and her grace comes from her capability to meet it______.
A. (A) mirth… flinchingly
B. (B) naiveté … head-on
C. (C) insensitivity … callously
D. (D) charm… promptly
E. (E) ignorance … obscurely

更多"Maureen radiates an unfailing commo"的相关试题:

[单项选择]Maureen radiates an unfailing common sense and good humor, although not a false cheery -------; she has no illusions about life, and her grace comes from her capability to meet it -------.
A. (A) mirth... flinchingly
B. (B) naiveté... head-on
C. (C) insensitivity ... callously
D. (D) charm... promptly
E. (E) ignorance... obscurely
[单项选择]() student with a little common sense should be able to answer this easy question.
A. Each
B. Any
C. Either
D. One
[单项选择]Who wrote the famous pamphlet, The Common Sense, before the American Revolution
A. Thomas Jefferson.
B. Thomas Paine.
C. John Adams.
D. Benjamin Franklin.
[单项选择]Who is the author of "Common Sense"
A. Thomas Jefferson.
B. Benjamin Franklin.
C. Thomas Moore.
D. Thomas Paine.
[单项选择]______ student with a little common sense should be able to answer the question.
A. Each
B. Either
C. Any
D. One
[单项选择]Thomas Paine, _____, wrote Common Sense, a pamphlet that identified the American colonies with the cause of liberty.
A. writer of eloquent
B. whose eloquent writing
C. an eloquent writer
D. writing eloquent
[单项选择]_________ student with a little common sense should be able to answer the question.
A. Each
B. Either
C. Any
D. One
[单项选择]The author of "Common Sense" is ______ and he is an
A. Thomas Paine; American
B. Benjamin Jefferson; American
C. Thomas Moore; English
D. Thomas Paine; English
[单项选择]The author of"Common Sense"is _____and he is an_____.
A. Thomas Paine; American
B. Benjamin Jefferson; A, erican
C. Thomas Moore; English
D. Thomas Paine; English
[单项选择]As is suggested, the common solution to the common problem is ______.
[单项选择]When the consignee fails to declare the import goods within the time limit, a fee () delayed declaration shall be imposed by the Customs.
A. to
B. from
C. for
D. with


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