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发布时间:2024-01-15 01:53:11

[单项选择]How will the correct price be determined
A. By calling the company.
B. By asking the sales representative.
C. By looking at the price list.

更多"How will the correct price be dete"的相关试题:

[单项选择]According to the author how to correct the situation
A. Only some animals should be used for research.
B. Scientists and doctors should respect the views of the public.
C. The benefits of animal tests should be made widely known.
D. The debate on animal tests be put to s serious public poll.
[单项选择]How does the woman think of the price of fast food

A. It is expensive.
B. It is reasonably priced.
C. It is cheap.
D. It is easily affordabl
[单项选择]The governor gave a rather determined explanation to the public.
A. unclear
B. firm
C. short
D. vague
[单项选择]Which of the following determined what percentage of the construction costs each member of the consortium would pay
[单项选择]Almost all job applicants are determined to leave a good ______ on a potential employer.
A. illusion
B. reputation
C. impression
D. reflection
[单项选择]The result is obviously correct.
A. evidently
B. possibly
C. totally
D. finally
[单项选择]It is () he is determined.
A. buying a new car that
B. to buy a new car that
C. to buy a new car what
D. buying a new car which
[单项选择]Which of the following is correct
A. The thirty-foot-long pipe was not a straight one.
B. There were no big bends in the solid stone.
C. Solid stone had to be put into the pipe.
D. In one place the workmen had to put big bends into some new wiring.
[单项选择]Creative people are usually very determined and ______ overcoming obstacles in their life.

A. adhered to
B. thrived on
C. kept off
D. took to
[单项选择]The standard of living in a country is determined by ______.

A. its goods and service
B. the type of wealth produced
C. how well it can create wealth
D. what an ordinary person can share
[单项选择]A woman enters a hospital ward determined to torture the comatose wife of her ex-lover and ______him for herself.
A. acclaim
B. exclaim
C. proclaim
D. reclaim


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