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发布时间:2024-03-29 20:42:42

[单项选择]George : Hey, Agnes . How did the Human Resources meeting go I couldn’t make it because I was out at a sales conference. Agnes : Oh, George . __________ It turned into a major argument. George : Really
A. Glad you’re back now.
B. You’re lucky to have missed it.
C. Nice to see you again.
D. You’re just on time.

更多"George : Hey, Agnes . How did th"的相关试题:

[单项选择]Several workers have complained to the human resources department that thecompany's dress code is being enforced too ______.
A. applicably
B. rigorously
C. confidently
D. preferably
[单项选择]How did Nathaniel Bacon die

A. He was killed by Indians.
B. Governor Berkeley had him hanged.
C. He died of ma]aria.
D. He was accidentally shot by one of the farmers.
[单项选择]How did the accident occur
[单项选择]How did the woman learn Photography

A. She went to a school of Photography.
B. She learned it from her father.
C. She learned it by herself.
D. She was taught by many professional photographers.
[单项选择]How did Yu reach her goal

A. By teaching herself.
B. By working as a personal teacher.
C. By finishing all the courses for high school students.
[单项选择]How did Britain explain the incident

A. The boats were away from their course by mistake.
B. The boats were en route to their base.
C. The servicemen fired at Iranian targets by mistake.
D. The servicemen ran into a trap.
[单项选择]How did Ray save the baby
A. He pulled the baby out of the window.
B. He put out the flames with a fire extinguisher.
C. He called the police and fire department.
D. He cried for help from the people around.
[单项选择]How did Redmon find his job
A. By searching openings in a job database.
B. By posting a matching position in a database.
C. By using a special service of a database.
D. By E - mailing his resume to a database.
[单项选择]How did you go to Madrid
[单项选择]How did the accident happen
[单项选择]How did John Adams make his living

A. He trained soldiers.
B. He was a smith.
C. He was a silversmith.
D. He was a politician.
[单项选择]How did the woman learn about painting

A. By listening to her father.
B. By working for an artist.
C. By talking to the studio art instructor.
D. By taking several art courses.
[单项选择]How did the woman spend last weekend

A. Relaxing at the seashore.
B. Visiting her parents.
C. Sailing on a boat.
D. Preparing for a rac
[单项选择]How did David get his books back

[单项选择]How did Renault test drive the Racoon

A. Over rocky terrain.
B. In actual reality.
C. Over French country roads.
D. In virtual reality.
[单项选择]How did the couple remember their anniversary

[单项选择]How did Edson learn to play soccer

A. To receive formal training in the sport.
B. To kick a ball around with friends in the sport.
C. To kick a ball about with friends on the beaches.
[单项选择]How did the man learn about pepper

A. He read about it in a cookbook.
B. He grows his own herbs and spices,
C. He heard about it from a friend.
D. He studied it in cooking school.


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