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发布时间:2023-10-07 00:11:02

[单项选择]Man: Harvard or the State University, have you decided yet Woman: Well, I'd rather be a big fish in a small pond. Question: Which university is the woman likely to choose

更多"Man: Harvard or the State Universit"的相关试题:

[单项选择]Man: Have you run up against any problems in getting your passport renewedWoman: I haven't started the plan yet.Question: What do know from the conversation
[单项选择]Man: Have you heard it John has just been promoted again!Woman: He's the boss's blue-eyed boy at present.Question: What does the woman mean
[单项选择]Woman:Have you finished the packaging? Man :____________ Woman:Good.Because the truck will be coming soon,this is a rush job.
[单项选择]Man: Why do you want to move out You really have a happy life. I do envy you.Woman: You don't know that I have been over-protected by my mother these years. I want to spread my own wings.Question: What does the woman mean
[单项选择]Man: Have you any idea what Jack Johnson's doing these daysWoman: Do you know, I've lost track of him.Question: What does the woman mean
[单项选择]How many heads of state have been indicted in The Hague while still in office

A. Only one.
B. More than one.
C. None.
D. Unknown.
[单项选择]Man: Bill, have you heard the latest news It appears that we won't be laid off after all. Woman: Oh, somewhat I'm tired of working here anyway. Question: What does the woman mean
A. She is surprised.
B. She feels very happy.
C. She is indifferent.
D. She feels very angry.
[单项选择]The college that became Harvard University, the oldest institution of higher learning at the United States, was founded in Cambridge, Massachusetts, in 1636.
[单项选择]Man: Do I have the pleasure to buy you a drinkWoman: ______.
[单项选择]Man: I hear you have been working part-time.
Woman: Yeah, I must stand on my own feet. My parents are retired and their health is declining.
Question: What does the woman mean
A. She has recovered from an injury.
B. She does not depend on her parents any more.
C. Her parents used to enjoy good health.
D. Her parents used to have a good jo
[单项选择]Man: Why, you have to ask your parents to pay your rent Women: Well, I am unable to make ends meet. Question: What do we know about the woman
[单项选择]Man: You know what You should invest the money yourself. Woman: That had crossed my mind. Question: What does the woman mean
A. The idea had bothered her.
B. She had invested the money.
C. She wouldn’t give it a try.
D. The idea had occurred to her.
[单项选择]Man: I like the color of this shirt. Do you have a larger size Woman: This is the largest in this color. Other colors come in all sizes. Question: What does the woman imply
A. The man could buy a Shirt of a different color.
B. The size of the shirt is all right for the man.
C. The size the man wants will arrive soon.
D. The man could come some time later.
[单项选择]Man: That's a beautiful dress you have on! Woman:().
A. Actually, I don't like it very much
B. Oh, thank you. I just got it yesterday
C. Yes, I think so
D. No, it's not that beautiful. Yours is better
[单项选择]No matter how little money you have, you should deposit some in the bank regularly()
A. 不管你有多少钱,你都应该规规矩矩地定期将钱存入银行。
B. 尽管你的钱很少,你也应该按照规则在银行中存些钱。
C. 不管你有多少钱,你都应定期在银行中存入一些钱。
D. 尽管你的钱很少,你仍需要将它们存入银行。


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