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发布时间:2023-10-03 21:16:19

[单项选择]I intend to study English ______ American business methods.
A. to understand
B. understanding
C. understood
D. understand

更多"I intend to study English ______ Am"的相关试题:

[单项选择]What is the lesson for American business
[单项选择]What American business often do to the government is to ______.
[单项选择]I used to study English for entertainment because I didn't have a special hobby to kill time.
A. 以前,我在业余时间里并没有什么特别的爱好, 只是学学英语而已。
B. 以前,为了打发时间,我没找到合适的爱好,只是学了英语。
C. 我以前学英语只是为了消遣,因为我没有特别爱好来打发时间。
D. 我以前学英语只是为了开心,因为我没有死读书的习惯。

 In American business meetings, people are expected to participate verbally (口头上), or else others may think that they are uninterested in the meeting. Active participation involves the following:
1. Starting a discussion, bringing up new ideas and topics, and making suggestions.
2. Asking people for opinions, information, and explanations.
3. Repeating ideas and explanations for those who can’t understand you.
4. Encouraging people to speak by accepting different points of view.
If an employee appears to be passive at a meeting, Americans may feel that the person is not contributing to the meeting.
"Brainstorming" is a common practice at American meetings. The purpose of brainstorming is to express as many ideas as possible on a given question or problem. This technique is used to collect all the ideas of the group, without stopping to discuss or evaluate the value of each suggestion. First peop
A. Not natural.
B. Not popular.
C. Coming from outside.
D. Not one's own.

[单项选择]In the author's view, if an American business makes an immoral decision as a group, the man aging individuals ______.
A. may be excused from trial
B. are often above reproach
C. may differ in interpreting morality
D. should not escape responsibility
[单项选择]I wish I ______ to study English years ago.

A. had started
B. started
C. could start
D. would start
[单项选择]I study Chinese, English and some ______ subjects.
A. another
B. the other
C. one
D. other
[单项选择]If English study is to Contribute to your future competence ______, it should be learnt systematically.
A. more than showing up I
B. rather than showing up
C. rather than to show up
D. more than to show up
[单项选择]If English study is to contribute to your future competence ______, it should be learnt systematically.
A. more than showing up
B. rather than showing up
C. rather than to show up
D. more than to show up
[单项选择]I began to learn English ()I was five.
A. when
B. since
C. if


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