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发布时间:2023-10-19 14:48:33

[单项选择]From the first two paragraphs, what can you predict about the main purpose of the study
A. The study is to expose the thought of a number of managers who were responsible for the application of organizational equality and diversity policies in the retailing industry.
B. The study is mainly about in the implementation of organizational diversity initiatives, employers need to take greater account of the tensions facing line managers.
C. Line managers regard a diversity management agenda concerned with recognizing and responding to individual differences.
D. The study is to explore through qualitative methods the understandings, perceptions of fair treatment and reported actions of a group of managers.

更多"From the first two paragraphs, what"的相关试题:

[单项选择]From the first two paragraphs, what can you predict about the main purpose of the study

A. The study is to expose the thought of a number of managers who were responsible for the application of organizational equality and diversity policies in the retailing industry.
B. The study is mainly about in the implementation of organizational diversity initiatives, employers need to take greater account of the tensions facing line managers.
C. Line managers regard a diversity management agenda concerned with recognizing and responding to individual differences.
D. The study is to explore through qualitative methods the understandings, perceptions of fair treatment and reported actions of a group of managers.
[单项选择]What can you infer from the first paragraph
A. European economy is going downhill.
B. Service in retailing has been influenced by the economic trend.
C. Retailing has totally changed its tradition of service.
D. Consumer demands are being included in retailing service.
[单项选择]What can we infer from the first two sentences in the second paragraph
A. Producers can satisfy the consumers by mechanized production.
B. Consumers can express their demands through producers.
C. Producers decide the prices of products.
D. Supply and demand regulate prices.
[单项选择]From the first two paragraphs we can learn that the trend of food obsession is______.
A. adventurous
B. a global phenomenon
C. more and more popular in the world
D. sweeping up every comer of the earth
[单项选择]What message can we get from the two photos in the magazine
[单项选择]What can you infer from the passage
A. Ararat and his fellowmen would finally achieve success.
B. Ararat is a persistent leader.
C. Ararat is loved and respected by Palestinian people.
D. Ararat is the vice chairman of the PLO.


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