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发布时间:2024-03-29 05:10:55

[单项选择]Up ______ when the country declared war on its neighboring country.
A. the oil prices went
B. went the oil prices
C. did the oil prices go
D. would the oil prices go

更多"Up ______ when the country declare"的相关试题:

[单项选择]Up ______ when the country declared war on its neighboring country.

A. the oil prices went
B. went the oil prices
C. did the oil prices go
D. would the oil prices go
[单项选择]Up ______ when the country declared war on its neighboring country.
A. the oil prices went
B. went the oil prices
C. did the oil prices go
D. would the oil prices go
[单项选择]He looked {{U}}dismayed{{/U}} when he heard the news.
A. pale
B. hurtful
C. doubtful
D. disappointed
[单项选择]Major difficulties arise when multiple projects need to be managed in the functional organizational structure because of ().
A. the level of authority of the project manager
B. conflicts over the relative priorities of different projects in competition for limited resources
C. project team members who are focused on their functional specialty rather than on the project
D. the need for the project manager to use interpersonal skills to resolve conflicts informally
[单项选择]What happens to a male elephant when it grows up

A. He often lives together with his wife.
B. He leaves the family.
C. He tries to form a new family.
D. He lives with other male friends.
[单项选择]When children pick up things, they are first interested in the ______.

A. color
B. shape
C. size
[单项选择]It ______ when he got up.

A. is snowing
B. was snowing
C. has snowed
[单项选择]When I picked up the phone, I didn't recognize it was Anne. Her voice sounded ______ on the phone.
A. twisted
B. deformed
C. distorted
D. unregulated
[单项选择]Mother was busy ______ when you rang up.
[单项选择]When we woke up, everywhere was ______ snow.
A. covered
B. covered in
C. covered with
D. covering
[单项选择]How did the writer feel when he visited his old neighborhood in Washington D. C.
A. Greatly surprised.
B. Very regretful.
C. Quite excited.
D. Very sad.
[单项选择]The child began to cry when the nurse pricked a needle at the ______ of its finger.
A. end
B. tip
C. edge
D. point
[单项选择]When you put up wallpaper, should you ______ the edges or put them next to each other

A. coincide
B. extend
C. overlap
D. collide


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