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发布时间:2023-11-04 21:07:08

[单项选择]Thanks for your order of December 7. Unfortunately the ordered goods are now ( ) stock and will not be available before the end of the year.
A. in
B. on
C. off
D. out of

更多"Thanks for your order of December 7"的相关试题:

[单项选择]—Thanks for your help.
A. No, thanks
B. Let me see
C. It doesn't matter
D. That's OK
[单项选择]Thanks for your kindness to invite me to such an enjoyable party and I feel (delight) ______ to meet so many old friends.
[单项选择]Ted: Thanks for your watermelon. It is very nice. ______ James: At the farmer's market round the comer.
A. How much are they all together
B. Have you got anything nicer
C. Where did you get it, by the way
D. Where else can you see such nice watermelons
[单项选择]We are writing to ______ our thanks for your contribution to the blood donation drive.
A. express
B. expressed
C. expressive
D. expression
[单项选择]In order to run your restaurant well, your attendants must ______ the needs of your customers.

A. look into
B. see to
C. make over
D. come through
[单项选择]Thanks a million for your thoughtful and generous gift, and our best wishes to you for the New Year.()
A. 你赠给我们既有思想性、又有雅量的礼物,我们万分感谢,我们把它看作是新年里最美好的礼物。
B. 你赠给我们既有思想性、又有雅量的礼物,我们万分感谢,在此向你致以新年美好的祝愿。
C. 你赠给我们精美、中意的礼物,我们万分感谢,在此向你致以新年美好的祝愿。
D. 你赠给我们精美、中意的礼物,我们万分感谢,我们把它看作是新年里最美好的礼物。
[单项选择]Cindy: Thanks for all your help.Joe: No problem. Have a good day!Cindy: ______ Thanks again. Bye.
A. I will
B. You too
C. It will be
D. I think so
[单项选择]—Your job ______ open for your return.
A. will be kept
B. will keep
C. had kept
D. had been kept
[单项选择]We shall fulfill your order according to the remarks in our last letter if we do not hear from you ______ the contrary.
A. in
B. to
C. on
D. with
[单项选择]I should like to ______ my thanks to you for your kindness.
A. extend
B. intend
C. pretend
D. attend
[单项选择]Student A: Thanks a lot. I really enjoyed your company.Student B: Don't mention it.()
A. Sorry to keep you out
B. Many happy returns of the day
C. Same here
D. You're too polite
[单项选择]Your proposal for payment by time draft for Order No. 1156 is acceptable to us, and we shall draw on you at 60 days' sight after the goods have been shipped.
A. 我们同意你方在最后期限支付1156号定单的款项。我们将在货物装出后的60天内为你方开出汇票。
B. 对你方1156号定单,我们可以接受你们所提的用远期汇票支付的建议。货物装出后,我们将向你方开出60天期的汇票。
C. 根据你方1156号定单的建议,我们可以接受你们用远期汇票支付。我们将在货物装出后的60天内为你方开出汇票。
D. 我们同意你方在最后期限支付1156号定单的款项。我们将货物装出后为你方开出60天期的汇票。
[单项选择]In order to withdraw money the bank requires your ______.


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