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发布时间:2023-10-21 18:32:18

[单项选择]—You're drinking too much. —Only at home. No one______ me but you.
A. is seeing
B. had seen
C. sees
D. saw

更多"—You're drinking too much. —Onl"的相关试题:

[单项选择]—You're drinking too much.
—Only at home. No one______ me but you.

A. is seeing
B. had seen
C. sees
D. saw
[单项选择]Man: Why don't you dress up a little when you're out with your friendsWoman: That's a good idea!Question: What does the man suggest
A. The woman should put on nice clothes.
B. The woman should wear makeup.
C. The woman should get up fight away.
D. The woman should make a dress herself.
[单项选择]You're standing too near the camer

A. A.Can you move ______ a bit farB. a little fartherC. a bit of fartherD. a little far
[单项选择]You're standing too near the camera. Can you move ______
A. a bit far
B. a little farther
C. a bit of farther
D. a little far
[单项选择]Mother: You're watching too much TV, Emily. Emily: Oh, come on, Mom. Mother: ______________ And you're eating too many snacks. Emily: I only had some popcorn and some potato chips.
[单项选择]I cannot thank you too much for your kindness, I owe my success to you.
A. 我无论怎样感谢你也不过分,我的成功应归功于你。
B. 对你的好意我不能过分感谢,但是我认为我的成功就是对你的感谢。
C. 对你的好意我无论怎样感谢也不过分,我应该把我的成功归功于你。
D. 我不能过分感谢你的好意,但我的成功应归功于你。
[单项选择]You're always forgetting your assignments. You're a very (forget) ______ person.
[单项选择]You're too tired. Why not______the time for a holiday
A. to spend
B. save
C. spare
D. to afford
[单项选择]If you' re satisfied with the photos you processed, ______.
A. you will not feel ashamed
B. you will feel ashamed
C. you will gain your sense of achievement
D. you will not gain your sense of achievement
[单项选择]James: You're kidding. Dick Stevens asked you out Jane: You bet. We are going out for dinner tonight. James: Great.______.
[单项选择]You're working , George.
[单项选择]You're always late. You ( ) late three times this week.
A. are being
B. were
C. had been
D. have been
[单项选择]When you're driving on a motorway, you must obey the signs telling you to get into the right ________.

A. way
B. track
C. lane
D. road


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