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发布时间:2023-12-18 06:26:36

[单项选择]The comparison between humans and other animals is made to show that ______.

更多"The comparison between humans and o"的相关试题:

[单项选择]When bothered by other animals or humans, some species of born lizards will posture and squirt blood from their eyes.
A. threateningly
B. distrustfully
C. fiercely
D. impudently
[单项选择]The author made comparison between reading Milton and cookbook in order to______.
A. merely compare the difference
B. show the fact that cookbook is more useful
C. reveal the vulgarity of some readers
D. to point out that the power of literature is above the literature of knowledge in certain ways
[单项选择]In the example of comparison between Americans and people in Latin or Arab cultures, the author wants to convey that ______.
A. "comfort zone" does not necessarily exist in all cultures
B. communication between people varies with their cultures
C. different cultures may have different social rules to abide by
D. space preference invariably helps to decide where one comes from
[单项选择]By a comparison between past problems and present ones the author draws attention to the ______.
A. importance of the energy crisis
B. hopelessness of the situation
C. differences between the past and the present
D. inadequacy of governments
[单项选择]Dr. Noack makes a comparison between the worst and the best cases in order to ______.

A. imply the situation can be improved into the best case
B. warn the African against the worst case
C. prove how poverty-stricken it can be in Africa
D. show the emergent poverty situation in Africa
[单项选择]______ is a direct comparison between two or more unlike things, normally introduced by "like" or "as". ( )
A. A metaphor
B. A proverb
C. A simile
D. An idiom
[单项选择]Humans, like many other animals, are warm-blooded with a fairly constantly body temperature.

A. Humans
B. like
C. with
D. fairly constantly
[单项选择]Dolphins are the most useful animals to humans.
[单项选择]The comparison made between the memory capacity of a large computer and that of a human being shows that ______.
[单项选择]Human beings differ mostly from all other animals in that they have the ability to ______ tools.
A. employ
B. tackle
C. deal
D. utilize
[单项选择]Many sharks fish and other sea animals.
A. live with
B. depend in
C. feed on
D. eat at


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