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发布时间:2023-11-06 00:34:02

[单项选择]The last sentence in the last paragraph implies that ______.
A. it is difficult to cool the engine
B. the driver can only open the hood on a hot summer day
C. the driver has to be very patient
D. it takes a long time to open the hood in summer

更多"The last sentence in the last parag"的相关试题:

[单项选择]The second sentence in Paragraph 3 implies that _________.
A. pollution-creating methods of progress are efficient ways to industrialize
B. current technology in non-industrialized countries favor pollution-creating methods
C. in order to catch up to industrialized nations, developing countries must utilize pollution-creating methods
D. in order for there to be equity between developed and developing nations, pollution- creating methods must be allowed for the developing nations
[单项选择]The third sentence of Paragraph 1 implies that ______.
A. people would be happy if they shut their eyes to reality
B. the blind could be happier than the sighted
C. over - excited people tend to neglect vital things
D. fascination makes people lose their eyesight
[单项选择]In the third paragraph, the author implies that the techniques of history and the techniques of social science are ______.
A. quite different from each other
B. equally useful in studying prehistoric cultures
C. usually taught to students of archaeology
D. both based on similar principles
[单项选择]Paragraph 2 implies that ______.
[单项选择]"I never saw him matched." in Paragraph 5 implies that ______.

A. no one was equal to Mr. Meredith Jones in personality
B. no one was physically as strong as Mr. Meredith Jones
C. his opponents never argued with Mr. Meredith Jones
D. none of his opponents dared to challenge Mr. Meredith Jones
[单项选择]The last sentence of the 2nd paragraph tells us that the writer believes that ______.
A. the computer is as smart as human beings
B. the computer is friends with human beings
C. human beings can interact with the computer and do what they want at their will
D. human beings have not used the computer to its fullest advantage
[单项选择]Powell's statement in the last paragraph implies that ______.
A. the security system might cause a long delay at the airports
B. most of the passengers show their understanding to the new measures
C. the U.S. would keep anyone out of the country if it is necessary
D. citizens from other countries are all required to take their fingerprints
[单项选择]In the last sentence of the last paragraph the word "cynic"is closest in meaning to
A. "a fault-finding critic".
B. "a peace-loving man".
C. "an outgoing man".
D. "a favorite companion".
[单项选择]The last paragraph implies that _________.


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