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发布时间:2023-11-17 21:36:37

[单项选择]Women were also by the constant cycle of pregnancy and childbirth to which they ______ had to resign themselves.
A. intruded
B. handicapped
C. crumbled
D. tangled

更多"Women were also by the constant cyc"的相关试题:

[单项选择]Women were also by the constant cycle of pregnancy and childbirth to which they ______ had to resign themselves.

A. intruded
B. handicapped
C. crumbled
D. tangled
[单项选择]All unattractive women executives were thought to have more ______ and to be more capable than the attractive female executives.
A. integrity
B. unity
C. entirety
D. intensity
[单项选择](Until recently), women (were) forbidden (by law) (from owning) property.
A. Until recently
B. were
C. by law
D. from owning
[单项选择]There were also other forms, of entertainment. The opera and the operetta remained popular, and music and theater ______ a renaissance.
A. underwent
B. experimented
C. discovered
D. resisted
[单项选择]Many Europeans thought African women were not well treated ______.
A. when they found many African men had more than one wife
B. because they had no freedom
C. because they were made to do everything in the houses
D. before they saw African marriage situations
[单项选择]Women were involved in fighting the war for American independence in all of the following ways except as ______.
A. members of committees of safety
B. support personnel at medical facilities
C. recruiters of soldiers for the Continental Army
D. combat troops in the regular army
[单项选择] Not only __________ our money, but we were also in danger of losing our lives.
A. we lost
B. lost we
C. did we lose
D. we did lose
[单项选择]What is probably the main mason that women were permitted to fight in the war even though their formal participation was discouraged
A. Only women were successful as water carriers.
B. Colonial women were particularly healthy and strong.
C. They were needed to make battle uniforms.
D. The army desperately needed combat soldiers.
[单项选择]What do you think the four women were all talking about
A. Their own slimming matter.
B. Their life after marriage.
C. Their work as a housewife.
D. Different diets they prefer.
[单项选择]In the sentence “Women were being taken to lifeboats and men held back at gunpoint" (paragraph 4) the phrase “hold back” has the meaning of ______.
A. keep back
B. keep up
C. keep on
D. keep to
[单项选择]Before 1920s, American women were deprived ( )the right to vote to a large extent.
A. of
B. to
C. from
D. with
[单项选择]Two women were sitting in a doctor's waiting room. "What are you in here ______" asked one.
A. to
B. on
C. for
D. of
[单项选择]The three women were put into prison because ______.


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