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发布时间:2024-03-29 20:49:14

[单项选择]The man was coming up from the village nearby.

更多"The man was coming up from the vill"的相关试题:

[单项选择]The mall was coming up from the village nearby.
[单项选择]Man: I hope we can see everything from way up here. Woman: Don't worry. You can watch the whole game no matter where you are. Question: What kind of place are the speakers probably at
A. An apartment building.
B. A stadium.
C. A theater.
D. An airplane.
[单项选择]Students coming from other countries are content ______ their studies and life in our college.
A. in
B. with
C. out of
D. from to
[单项选择]The article mentioned travellers coming from all around the world except those in ______.
A. the United States
B. the Europe
C. Asian countries
D. African countries
[单项选择]She heard a continual strange noise coming from the next room, her heart _____ fast.
A. beat
B. beats
C. beating
D. beaten
[单项选择]According to the author, the stench coming from Corporate America impact______.
A. the American economy
B. the dollar value
C. the American legal system
D. investor confidence
[单项选择]The silence coming from the depths of the canyon is ______.
A. the silence of death
B. with ups and downs
C. interrupted by the roaring fiver
D. like a great piece of music
[单项选择]The news (coming from) (different parts) of the world (are) often (extremely discouraging) these days.
A. coming from
B. different parts
C. are
D. extremely discouraging
[单项选择]The tuition fees are______ to students coming from low-income families.
A. approachable
B. payable
C. reachable
D. affordable
[单项选择]This small village is made up of 200 families ______ five nationalities.
A. belonged
B. belonged to
C. belonging
D. belonging to
[单项选择]Stephen Bullon is the only man in the village()today that has survived the war。
A. live
B. lived
C. alive
D. active
[单项选择]Stephen Bullon is the only man in the village ______ today that has survived the war.
A. live
B. lived
C. alive
D. active
[单项选择]The phrase "without coming up for air" in the second paragraph probably means ______.

A. not going upstairs.
B. not taking a rest.
C. not going outside.
D. not standing up.
[单项选择]His son'S coming back from the army safe and sound cased Mrs.Green of her worry and anxiety.
A. 儿子从部队归来时舒坦,这让格林太太也不怎么担心了。
B. 儿子从部队平安归来,让格林太太大放宽心。
C. 儿子从部队平安归来,格林太太不再忧虑和担心。
D. 儿子从部队平安归来消除了格林太太的担心焦虑。
[单项选择]The final examination is coming up soon. It's time for us to ______ our studies.
A. get down to
B. get out
C. get back for
D. get over


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