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发布时间:2023-10-25 18:35:39

[单项选择]One of the most interesting inhabitants of our world is the bee, an insect which is indigenous to all parts of the globe except the Polar Regions.
A. residents
B. pets
C. intimates
D. creatures

更多"One of the most interesting inhabit"的相关试题:

[单项选择]One of the most interesting inhabitants of our world is the bee, an insect which is indigenous to all parts of the globe except the polar regions.
A. residents
B. pets
C. intimates
D. creatures
[单项选择]We can hardly avoid making any mistakes in our work ______ hard we try.
A. whatever
B. how
C. no matter
D. however
[单项选择]Mrs. Morrison invited us to the party, but our work ______, we politely refused her invitation.
A. not being finished
B. was not finished
C. not having finished
D. had not been finished
[单项选择]Yesterday, the director ______ of me about our work.
A. requite
B. acquire
C. inquire
D. squire
[单项选择]Most of our fears are unreasonable, but we find ______.
A. it impossible to erase them
B. that they can not erase
C. them to erase impossible
D. erasing them impossible
[单项选择]The rising price of medicine is among the most worrying problems facing the country.
A. 不断上升的就医花费已成为目前该国面临的最令其烦恼的问题。
B. 目前该国最严重的问题就是面对着不断上升的就医花费。
C. 目前该国面临的最严重的问题之一就是不断上升的药品价格。
D. 不断上升的药品价格是该国当前面临的最令人担忧的问题之一。
[单项选择]Most of us use our right hands ______ the left ones.
A. as well as
B. not so well as
C. much better than
D. more better than
[单项选择]_____work for quite a long time, more than one worker _____short of money.
A. Having lost their, was
B. Having lost their, were
C. Having been out of, was
D. Being out of, were
[单项选择]Water is one of the most abundant but also one of the most wanted substances on Earth( ).
A. ample
B. multiple
C. adequate
D. plentiful
[单项选择]What is the most important one among the realities listed in the passage

A. New vulnerabilities will be introduced into your environment every day.
B. The manager educates employees about properly configuring firewalls and intrusion detection systems for their PCs.
C. Managers have more responsibility than ever.
D. Security managers are asked to support increasing degrees of network availability and access.


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