发布时间:2023-12-08 23:57:13

[单项选择]the morning of June 27, they visited the Great Wall.
A. In
B. At
C. On
D. From

更多"the morning of June 27, they visite"的相关试题:

[单项选择]By conducting experiments on brave volunteers, Walter Reed was able to identify the particularkind of mosquito that carried yellow fever.

A. thin
B. hearty
C. curious
D. courageous
[单项选择]According to Linda Kristiansen, Wal-Mart
A. sells everything,
B. will open more stores nationwide.
C. will grow larger and larger.
D. will involve more businesses.
[单项选择]Who has visited Sudan last week

A. Sadeqal-Mahdi.
B. Colin Powell.
C. Omar Hassan AL-Bashir.
D. President Bush.
[单项选择]If found guilty, what would Wal-Mart face

[单项选择]A small town on the border between England and Wales ______.
A. does not deal in anything but books
B. deals mainly in books
C. deals in anything but books
D. does not deal in anything but sheep
[单项选择]According to the passage, the writer found the wallet in the street ______.
A. on her way to work
B. on her way to the bank
C. during the day
D. in the evening
[单项选择]On that bitterly cold winter night, few people walked along the now ______ narrow street.
A. deserted
B. lonely
C. isolated
D. neglected
[单项选择]Why was the writer so sure he had brought this wallet with him

A. He remembered not having left it at home.
B. He believed his own memory.
C. He always felt his pocket for the wallet before he left home.
D. He had taken it out to pay his taxi—driver.

Text 1
Wal-Mart is now mounting a bold expansion that could double its sales within just five years, to $ 480 billion. Some of that growth will come in new markets outside the U. S. , where 1,200 stores in nine countries already account for about 16% of the chain’s total sales. But even more growth will be won as the chain insinuates itself into more U.S. neighborhoods and invades more product categories.
If you think Wal-Mart already sells just about everything, think again. Think PCs, ceiling fans, more fashionable clothing, gasoline and even cars. "Their goal is to have a 30% share of every major business they arc in," says Linda Kristiansen, a retail analyst for UBS Warburg Equity Research. If there’s no Wal-Mart store near you, just wait. If you shop at Wal-Mart, expect your store to get bigger or a new store to open even closer. The chain plans to expand from 3,400 U. S. locations to day-half of them in the South--to a nationwide
A. They feel content with their progress.
B. They are optimistic about their development.
C. They plan to expand their business.
D. They are worried about their future.

[单项选择]Why does Wal-Mart think it reasonable to open its store there

A. Customers there broadly accept it.
B. Other buildings have ruined the scenery of the ancient site.
C. The local shops are small and expensive.
D. Wal-Mart does no harm to the nearby sceneries.
[单项选择]Why did the workers file a suit against Wal-Mart

A. Because they were illegally hired by Wal-Mart.
B. Because they were illegally hired by contractors connected with Wal-Mart.
C. Because they were not treated fairly in terms of civil rights and wages:
D. Because they were illegally brought to America by Wal-Mart and its contractors.


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