发布时间:2023-10-22 03:08:35

[单项选择]Aboutof the workers in that steel works are young people.
A. thirdfifth
B. thirdfifths
C. threefifth
D. threefifths

更多"Aboutof the workers in that steel w"的相关试题:

[单项选择]An iron and steel works, with several satellite factories, ______ in that city now.
A. is built
B. is being built
C. were built
D. are being built
[单项选择]Steel works are encouraged to purchase ______ iron so as to reduce the consumption of natural resources.
A. scrap
B. scrape
C. scratch
D. snap
[单项选择]The steel workers demanded that their wages ______ by 10 percent.
A. increase
B. increased
C. were increased
D. be increased
[单项选择]Among all the workers in the company, Tom works ______.
A. the less efficiently
B. less efficiently
C. the least efficiently
D. the lest efficiently

Michele Langlois is a young Canadian who works for the police as a handwriting expert. She has helped catch many criminals (罪犯) by using her special skill.
When she was only fourteen, Michele was already so interested in the differences in her school friends’ handwriting that she would spend hours studying them. After finishing college she went to France for a special two-year class to learn how to analyze (分析) handwriting at the School of Police Science. On her return, she began her work for the Quebec police.
Michele says that it is impossible for people to disguise (伪装) their handwriting. She can discover most of what she needs to know simply by looking at the writing with her own eyes, but she also has machines that help her analyze different kinds of paper and ink. This knowledge is often of help to the police.
Michele also believes that handwriting is a good sign of the kind of person the writer is. "I wouldn’t go out with a fellow
A. Police Science
B. Friends of Police
C. Handwriting Reader
D. Art of Handwriting

[单项选择]What do rescue workers say

A. The survivors are a brother and sister.
B. They have been trapped in a kitchen.
C. They have had enough food and water to survive.
D. Both B and
[单项选择]White-collar workers will be
A. on the inside
B. on the outside
C. afraid and angry
D. both B and C
[单项选择]Why do workers want more money
A. Because their jobs are too boring.
B. In order to enjoy more spare time.
C. To make their jobs more interesting.
D. To demand shorter working hours.
[单项选择]The workers requested that their working conditions ______.
A. must be improved
B. be improved
C. would be improved
D. were improved
[单项选择]When workers push together to organize themselves in trade unions, employers find it hard to lay them ______.
A. off
B. aside
C. out
D. down


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