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发布时间:2023-11-19 23:02:25

[单项选择]According to the passage, the underlined word precis ( paragraph 1) means______. A. a main point ]3. a question C. a summary D. a problem

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[单项选择]According to the passage, the underlined word precis ( paragraph 1) means______.
A. a main point ]3. a question
C. a summary D. a problem

A. a summary
B. a problem
C. ]3. a question
D. According to the passage, the underlined word precis ( paragraph 1) means______.
E. a main point
[单项选择]According to the passage, what does the underlined word "pedals" mean
A. Something on a bicycle that riders can rest their feet on.
B. A kind of boards on a wheel that can be pressed by foot.
C. Part of the running machines.
D. Levers that drives a bicycle when pressed down by foot.
[单项选择]The underlined word" scheduled" in this passage means to _________.
A. put a regular train into a timetable
B. plan the project for a certain time
C. prepare a timetable for the project
D. start a service for some time
[单项选择]The underlined word "alternate" in this passage means ______.
A. keep up
B. take up
C. arrange by turns
D. cause to take place
[单项选择]The underlined word "hassles" in the passage (Line 3, Par

A. A.3) probably means ______. agreementsB. worriesC. disadvantagesD. quarrels
[单项选择]The underlined word "aroused" in the passage is closest in meaning to ______.
A. caused
B. changed
C. proved
D. puzzled
[单项选择]According to the passage, the word "scoundrel" in Para. 5 can be best replaced by ______.
A. superman
B. movie
C. devil
D. play
[单项选择]According to the passage, the suitable word which can replace "drawback" is ______.
A. breakthrough
B. advantage
C. barrier
D. function
[单项选择]According to the passage, the word "violation" would best be classified as a
A. (A) Function word
B. (B) Lexical word
C. (C) Concept word
D. (D) Category word
E. (E) Grammatical word
[单项选择]According to the passage, the word "Nowcast" (paragraph 3 ) means______.

A. a way of collecting raw weather data
B. a forecast which can predict the weather conditions in the small area in an accurate way
C. a network to collect instant weather data
D. a more advanced system of weather observation


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