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发布时间:2023-10-04 06:26:16

[单项选择]Why has the growing population of young people caused the changes in museums

A. Because they are wealthy.
B. Because they are stronger.
C. Because they have more spare time.
D. Because they are better educated.

更多"Why has the growing population of y"的相关试题:

[单项选择]Why has the growing population of young people caused the changes in museums

A. Because they are wealthy.
B. Because they are stronger.
C. Because they have more spare time.
D. Because they are better educated.
[单项选择]Why has growing population of young people caused the changes in museums

A. Because they are better educated.
B. Because they have less spare time.
C. Because they are stronger.
D. Because there are more young people.
[单项选择]Why has it been difficult for people to find out more about dreams
A. Different people have different ideas about dreams.
B. Different dreams have different meanings.
C. People can only have their dreams studied when they are sleeping.
D. People only have dreams when they are sick.
[单项选择]Why do some people believe that advertising has a positive impact on the economy
A. Because it stimulates demand for products and services.
B. Bemuse it stimulates the development of society.
C. Because it promotes the sale of goods and services.
D. Both A)and C)
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A. Because many old people are changing their professions.
B. Because some people are looking for better jobs.
C. Because they have high costs for repairs and advanced technology.
D. All of the abov
[单项选择]The young professor has so far published mote than 20 academic paper’s,many of which are intemational standard.

A. 这位年轻的教授已远远发表了20份国际标准的校园刊物。
B. 这位年轻的教授到目前为止已发表了20多篇学术论文,其中许多具有国际标准。
C. 这位年轻的教授已远远发表了20多篇学术论文,其中许多具有国际标准。
D. 这位年轻的教授到目前为止已发表了20多篇学术论文,其中许多具有国际水平。
[单项选择]Why has leisure time become big business

A. Because shopping is an important leisure time activity.
B. Because spending a day at a giant mall has become a fashion.
C. Because visiting a museum is a popular leisure time activity.
D. Because enormous amounts of money are spent on leisure time activities.
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A. To separate the tourists from the poor local natives.
B. To show the real side of Jamaica to the tourists.
C. To implement a one-price policy in tourism.
D. To allow tourists to move unnoticed among the natives.
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