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发布时间:2024-03-29 23:35:05

[单项选择]During a period of protracted illness, the sick can become infirm, ______ both the strength to work and many of the specific skills they once possessed.
A. regaining
B. denying
C. pursuing
D. losing

更多"During a period of protracted illne"的相关试题:

[单项选择]During a period of protracted illness, the sick can become infirm, ______ both the strength to work and many of the specific skills they once possessed.
A. regaining
B. denying
C. pursuing
D. losing
[单项选择]Why did unemployment increase during the period discussed in the passage

A. There are fewer jobs in summer.
B. Many companies had dismissed workers.
C. The labor force had grown.
[单项选择]During a period of sleep deprivation the effects of sleeplessness may become ______.

A. total
B. increased
C. collective
D. cumulative
[单项选择]During which period did mathematics remain unchanged

A. Ancient times
B. The 17th century
C. For 300 years
D. The Dark Ages
[单项选择]During the period 1490—1979 the main progress mentioned in this passage was
A. an Italian professor invented a large air bag.
B. men invented the best diving devices.
C. an Italian painter designed a complete diving suit.
D. an air bag.
[单项选择]A person()during a period of heavy sleep is often annoyed and can not think clearly.
A. awake
B. had awaked
C. has awaked
D. awaked
[单项选择]The American dream is most______ during the periods of productivity and wealth generated by American capitalism.
A. plausible
B. patriotic
C. primitive
D. partial
[单项选择]According to the passage, during which period of time do the polar bears come ashore

A. January through March.
B. July through October.
C. September through December.
D. November through July.
[单项选择]During the first period of demographic history, societies were often in danger of extinction because_________.

A. only one in ten persons could live past 40
B. there was higher mortality than fertility in most places
C. it was too dangerous to have babies due to the poor conditions
D. our ancestors had little enthusiasm for more children
[单项选择]During the SARS period, it is especially important to ventilate the room.
A. dust
B. clean
C. remove
D. air
[单项选择]During your training period, it is of great importance to ______.

A. try to be a specialist
B. try to be a generalist
C. find an organization which fits you
D. decide whether you are fit to be a specialist or a generalist
[单项选择]What is important during your training period
A. To try to be a generalist.
B. To choose a profitable job.
C. To find an organization which fits you.
D. To decide whether you are fit to be a specialist or a generalist.


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