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发布时间:2024-03-29 19:12:18

[单项选择]In the US gambling _____

A. is diminishing
B. is gaining acceptance
C. is causing financial damage to investors
D. is being successfully challenged by opponents

更多"In the US gambling _____"的相关试题:

[单项选择]In the US gambling _____

A. is diminishing
B. is gaining acceptance
C. is causing financial damage to investors
D. is being successfully challenged by opponents
[单项选择]Gambling is lawful in Nevad
A. a. legalB. irresistibleC. enjoyableD. profitable
[单项选择]Because of gambling, David had lost almost everything he possessed.
A. owed
B. belonged
C. bought
D. owned
[单项选择]Despite his occasional fondness for gambling, he is still considered as a good boy ().
A. as the whole
B. for the whole
C. by the whole
D. on the whole

His heavy drinking and fond of gambling makes him a poor role model.()

A. and fact that he gambles
B. and that he gambles
C. and he gambles which
D. and gambling
[单项选择]Which of the following is not a form of gambling

A. Horse racing.
B. Casinos.
C. Playing cards.
D. Lotteries.
[单项选择]Investors in gambling ventures have found them _______

A. very difficult to handle
B. extremely profitable
C. to cause family problems
D. boring
[单项选择]Because of gambling, his debt has amounted to 20,000 dollars.
A. reached
B. lost
C. arrived
D. rose
[单项选择]His ______ in gambling has eventually brought about his ruin.
A. indulgence
B. habit
C. action
D. engagement
[单项选择]Social taboos remained strong. Gambling was {{U}}virtually{{/U}} prohibited except on the racecourses, and drinking of alcohol was discouraged by the closing of hotels at six o'clock and by the shortage of bottle beer.
A. factually
B. eventually
C. consequently
D. significantly
[单项选择]It's about time the police ______ gambling.

A. ought to do away with
B. did away with
C. must do away with
D. should do away with
[单项选择]Just as robbery is a kind of crime,______ gambling.
A. as it is
B. so is
C. the same as
D. and so is


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