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发布时间:2023-10-22 21:23:40


Passage 2
Every year, the American Lung Association (ALA) releases its annual report card on smog, and every year it gives an "F" to over half the nation’s counties and cities. When ALA’s "State of the Air 2002" recently came out, dozens of credulous local journalists once again took the bait, ominously reporting that their corner of the nation received a failing grade. The national coverage was no better, repeating as fact ALA’s statement that it is "gravely concerned" about air quality, and neglecting to solicit the views of even one scientist with a differing view. Too bad, because this report card says a lot less about actual air quality than it does about the tactics and motives of the ALA.
The very fact that 60 percent of counties were giver an "F" seems to be alarmist. This is particularly tree given that smog levels have been trending downward for several decades. According to the Environment
A. the regulations about smog have proved effective
B. new regulations are necessary to deal with smog.
C. smog problems have actually become less serious
D. the federal smog standard has been rather tow

更多"Passage 2 Every year, the America"的相关试题:


Passage 2
Every year, the American Lung Association (ALA) releases its annual report card on smog, and every year it gives an "F" to over half the nation’s counties and cities. When ALA’s "State of the Air 2002" recently came out, dozens of credulous local journalists once again took the bait, ominously reporting that their corner of the nation received a failing grade. The national coverage was no better, repeating as fact ALA’s statement that it is "gravely concerned" about air quality, and neglecting to solicit the views of even one scientist with a differing view. Too bad, because this report card says a lot less about actual air quality than it does about the tactics and motives of the ALA.
The very fact that 60 percent of counties were giver an "F" seems to be alarmist. This is particularly tree given that smog levels have been trending downward for several decades. According to the Environment
A. present smog standards should be made stricter
B. the standard established by the EPA is effective
C. some areas fail to meet the federal standard at times
D. poor air quality is a major problem nationwide


Passage Five
Every year gray whales migrate from the Bering Sea in Alaska to the Baja Peninsula in Mexico.
Eleven gray whales have died in the San Francisco Bay in the last three weeks. No one knows why the whales are dying.
Last year 270 whales died along the whales’ migration route. Many people think starvation is the cause. This year the dead whales seem to have more blubber (fat) on them.
Twenty years ago, the gray whale was listed as an endangered species.
Some scientists think that the larger number of whales makes it hard to find enough food. More whales create more pressure on the food supply, a supply that some scientists say may have dwindled as a result of the warm waters of E1 Nino.
Most of the whales have been dead for many days before they are found and studied. This makes it hard to find the reason for death.
65 whales have been seen in the San Francisco Bay Area this year compared to 17 last year
A. the whales travel such a long distance
B. there are more whales than there used to be
C. the whale bodies are too old to study by the time they are found
D. the whales are endangered


Passage One
Every year about 4,000,000 Americans are arrested and accused of crimes ranging from theft and traffic violations to murder. The Supreme Court(最高法院) has ruled that anyone charged with a crime has certain rights under the law. Do you know what your rights are if you are arrested Here are four of them.
First, as soon as the police arrest a person, they must tell him of his right to remain silent. Under the taw, he is not required to answer their questions.
Second, the police must tell him of his right to have a lawyer. The state or city government will pay a lawyer to take the case of a suspect who cannot afford one.
Third, the Fifth Amendment(修正案) to the Constitution says that no person has to be a wit ness against himself. This means that the suspect does not. have to speak against himself.
Fourth, a person cannot be tried for the same crime twice. ff a person has been found innocent, he cannot be arrested again, brought
A. fight against laws
B. protect themselves
C. talk back to the police
D. escape punishment


第六大题.Passage One
Every year about 4,000,000 Americans are arrested and accused of crimes ranging from theft and traffic violations to murder. The Supreme Court(最高法院) has ruled that anyone charged with a crime has certain rights under the law. Do you know what your rights are if you are arrested Here are four of them.
First, as soon as the police arrest a person, they must tell him of his right to remain silent. Under the taw, he is not required to answer their questions.
Second, the police must tell him of his right to have a lawyer. The state or city government will pay a lawyer to take the case of a suspect who cannot afford one.
Third, the Fifth Amendment(修正案) to the Constitution says that no person has to be a wit ness against himself. This means that the suspect does not. have to speak against himself.
Fourth, a person cannot be tried for the same crime twice. ff a person has been found innocent, he cannot be arrested again, brought to
A. fight against laws
B. protect themselves
C. talk back to the police
D. escape punishment


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