发布时间:2024-06-04 07:11:20

[单项选择]The management system of the rapid transit rail lines ______.
A. is already quite developed
B. does not exist at all
C. is not good enough
D. needs to include the strict guidelines

更多"The management system of the rapid "的相关试题:

[单项选择]The management system of the rapid transit rail lines ______.
A. is already quite developed
B. does not exist at all
C. is not good enough
D. needs to include the strict guidelines
[单项选择]The rapid-transit rail lines should ______.
A. develop as quickly as possible
B. develop with local economic development
C. develop after local economic development
D. develop with the construction industry
[单项选择]Why were two rail companies fined

A. Because they asked young students to work at night.
B. Because their train was not safe.
C. Because they hired college students illegally.
D. Because their work practice system was unsafe.
[单项选择]What relationship exists between rail and inland water transport

A. Labor restrictions prevent the two from handling the same traffic and have prevented competition from developing.
B. Railroads carry different commodities and thus are not in direct competition with water transport.
C. They sometimes compete with one another.
D. Railroads are never routed along the same routes as water transport, so the two do not compete.
[单项选择]In most South American countries rail transport is plagued by operational problems as well as by obsolete equipment.
A. deficient
B. outdated
C. inferior
D. imperfect
[单项选择]The rapid development of communications technology is transforming the ______ in which people communicate across time and space.
A. route
B. transmission
C. vision
D. manner
[单项选择]Who can obtain more rapid success
A. Those with wealth.
B. Those with the best brains.
C. Those with the best opportunities,
D. Those who have the ability to catch at opportunities.
[单项选择]In comparison to rail and highway, water transport is

A. greater than that of railway with respect to fixed cost
B. the middle with respect to fixed cost
C. quicker than that of rail and highway
D. to transport small tonnage at low variable cost
[单项选择]Faced with rapid inflation and shrinking international and home markets, many companies have declared______.
A. augmented
B. erupted
C. robbed
D. bankrupted
[单项选择]EJB technology enables rapid and simplified development of distributed, (19) ,secure and portable applications based on Java technology.
A. stand-alone
B. integration
C. transactional
D. international
[单项选择]The modem world is experiencing rapid development of science and technology.

A. 当今世界的科学技术正在迅猛发展之中。
B. 当今世界的经验是科学技术的迅猛发展。
C. 当今世界正经受着科学技术飞速发展的过程。
D. 当今世界的科学技术正朝着飞速发展的方向发展。


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