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发布时间:2023-11-04 02:53:23

[单项选择]Gravitation keeps the Moon in orbit around Earth and the planets other of the solar system in A B C orbit around the Sun. D

更多"Gravitation keeps the Moon in orbit"的相关试题:

[单项选择]According to the passage the low-Earth orbit is ______.
A. the destination for most commercial payloads
B. a few hundred kilometers above the earth
C. about 36,000 kilometers away above the earth
D. a few hundred kilometers above the stationary orbit
[单项选择]The moon, being much nearer to the Earth than the Sun, is the ______ cause of the tides.
A. principal
B. basic
C. initial
D. elementary
[单项选择]Which is ______, the moon or the earth
[单项选择]The earth is nearly ______ the moon.
A. 50 time the size of
B. 50 times the size of
C. 50 times as size as
D. 50 times as that of
[单项选择]______ from the moon,our earth,with water ______ seventy percent of its surface, appears as a "blue ball"
A. Seen, covering
B. Seen, covered
C. Seeing; covering
D. Seeing; covered
[单项选择]A) orbit C) rotate
B) surround D) circle

A. orbit
B. surround
C. rotate
D. circle
[单项选择]In the orbit of a planet around the Sun, the point closest to the Sun is called it the perihelion.
[单项选择]If the Federal Open Market Committee keeps cutting interest rates, _______.

A. the stock market is expected to slump
B. companies and consumers will benefit from lower borrowing costs
C. the US economy can avoid a recession
D. industrial production will fall further
[单项选择]The barrier of language keeps many scientists in prolonged ignorance of work of immediate importance to them ______at present in many countries.

A. doing
B. to be done
C. having done
D. being done
[单项选择]Television keeps us () about the latest developments in science and technology.
A. informed
B. informing
C. to inform
D. being informed
[单项选择]Chinese culture is the tie that keeps the entire Chinese people close at heart and constitutes an important basis for the peaceful reunification of the motherland.()
A. 中华文化是维系全体中国人民的精神纽带,也是和平统一的一个重要基础。
B. 中华文化使中国人民心贴心更接近,构成了祖国和平统一的重要因素。
C. 中华民族的和平统一关键在于文化的相近,心灵的相通。
D. 中华民族和平统一的基础在于中华文化的相近。
[单项选择]Joseph is so brilliant that he always keeps some good ideas ______ his sleeve.

A. up
B. in
C. at
D. on


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