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发布时间:2024-03-29 07:54:35

[单项选择]What advantage did the huge sell-off of futures give to big commercial feedlots

A. It allowed them to charge high prices for cattle.
B. It allowed them to buy out smaller farm feeders.
C. It allowed them to push down the price of cattle.
D. It allowed them to sell futures at artificially low rates.

更多"What advantage did the huge sell-of"的相关试题:

[单项选择]What advantage did the huge sell-off of futures give to big commercial feedlots
A. It allowed them to charge high prices for cattle.
B. It allowed them to buy out smaller farm feeders.
C. It allowed them to push down the price of cattle.
D. It allowed them to sell futures at artificially low rates.
[单项选择]What attitude did the author adopt toward what the government did

A. Indifferent.
B. Positive.
C. Critical.
D. Skeptical.
[单项选择]What time did the meeting end
[单项选择]What award did the film Babel get
A. The Golden Globe for best director.
B. The Golden Globe for best dramatic picture.
C. The Golden Globe for best actor
[单项选择]What lesson did the computer programmer learn
[单项选择]What meals did the first diners serve
A. Only breakfast.
B. Only lunch.
C. Only late-night meals.
D. Only supper
[单项选择]For what purpose did the Canadian government make gold seekers bring one year's supplies with them

A. To prevent them from dying of hunger and cold.
B. To equip the army with enough food for fighting a war.
C. To enable them to trade with the Eskimos.
D. To make Alaska prosperous with the supplies.
[单项选择]What present did he buy for his father

A. A shirt.
B. An alarm clock.
C. A woolen blanket.
D. A suitcase.
[单项选择]In what year did de Leon discover Florida

A. 1508.
B. 1513.
C. 1521.
D. 1492,
[单项选择]What preparations did Thomas make before he started his business
A. He stayed at home
B. He borrowed money from a bank.
C. He made investigations and drew up a plan
D. He wrote a book.
[单项选择]What he did was opposite ______ what he said.
A. at
B. to
C. in
D. for
[单项选择]What suggestions did the experts offer to stereo manufacturers

A. Providing a warning light when the sound is too loud.
B. Improving the quality of personal stereo systems.
C. Standard heating test should be set up.
D. Restricting the use of personal systems.
[单项选择]In the nineteenth last century what Britain did for Commonwealth education was ________.

A. merely to encourage children to go to school
B. to build institutions on the pattern of Oxford and Cambridge
C. to encourage missionaries to set up more schools
D. to give financial help to set up schools
[单项选择]Around what time did the university begin to appear

A. In the 9th century.
B. In the 13th century.
C. In the 15th century.


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