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发布时间:2024-03-29 20:23:24


Did you tell your brother where she()
Yes, but I didn't tell him she()until next week.

A. had gone, won't come back
B. went, don't come back
C. had been, wouldn't come back
D. had gone, wouldn't come back

更多"Did you tell your brother where she"的相关试题:

[单项选择]"Did you tell your brother where she() "
"Yes, but I didn't tell him she()until next week."
A. had gone, won't come back
B. went, don't come back
C. had been, wouldn't come back
D. had gone, wouldn't come back
[单项选择]—Did you tell him where she ______
—Yes. And I also told him she ______ until the next month.
[单项选择]You tell your friends about your unhappiness because______.
A. you want them to feel sorry for you
B. you want them to hear the story from you
C. you feel sure that they have had similar experiences
D. you hope it will make you feel better
[单项选择]— Could you tell me ()she is looking for
— Her cousin, Susan.
A. that
B. whose
C. whom
D. which
[单项选择]— Where was your brother at this time last night
— He was writing an e-mail ______ I was watching TV at home.
A. as soon as
B. after
C. until
D. while
[单项选择]—Is she older than you
—Yes, she is older than ( ) two years.
A. me
B. I for
C. I am by
D. me by
[单项选择]Paul: Why did you tell the whole world about my pastJeffrey: ______.
[单项选择]Emily: Did anybody sign your petition
Gordon: Yes, we had a hundred signatures, ______
A. if no more
B. if not more
C. if moreover
D. if not larger
[单项选择]Did you remember()your appointment last night
A. to keep
B. having kept
C. keeping
D. to have kept
[单项选择]You did tell me what to do. If only I ______ your advice!
A. would take
B. took
C. have taken
D. had taken
[单项选择]How did you()with your classmates ()
A. make out
B. make up
C. make off
D. make up to


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