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发布时间:2023-12-09 06:43:44

[单项选择]According to Freud's developmental concepts at which stage of development is the individual LEAST likely to think of himself exclusively and outgrow what Freud calls "narcissistic behavior"

A. Oral
B. Anal
C. Phallic
D. Genital

更多"According to Freud's developmental "的相关试题:

[单项选择]According to Freud's developmental concepts at which stage of development is the individual LEAST likely to think of himself exclusively and outgrow what Freud calls "narcissistic behavior"

A. Oral
B. Anal
C. Phallic
D. Genital
[单项选择]According to Freud's concepts, which aspect would MOST be looked upon as the "chief executive" or administrator-in-charge of the total personality, the rational and aware sell'

A. Id.
B. Ego.
C. Superego.
D. None of the abov
[单项选择]Freud's concepts included a ______.

A. denial of instinctive behavior in animals and humans
B. belief that religion properly modled the conscience so that the id could be controlled
C. belief that human behavior can be explained primarily by the unconscious motives of individuals
D. belief that human behavior is completely controlled by the "conscience" part
[单项选择]What is Freud's fundamental idea

A. All humans are born with strong sexual desires.
B. All humans are born with aggressiveness.
C. All humans have intentions to suppress sexual desires or aggressiveness.
D. All of the above.
[单项选择]The author's attitude toward Freud's studies can be best described as ______.
A. ambiguous but misguided
B. valid but limited
C. insightful but controversial
D. premature and illogical
[单项选择]One of Freud's great ______ into the human personality was the discovery of how it is influenced by unconscious processes.
A. convictions
B. concepts
C. insights
D. instincts
[单项选择]According to the passage, a "developmental" disability ______.

A. develops very slowly over time
B. is caused by outside forces
C. occurs in youth and affects development
D. is getting more and more severe
[单项选择]Someone's personality ( 性格 ) means the ways in which he acts and thinks that make this individual different from others.
A. 性格指的是使他不同于别人的办事方式和思考方式。
B. 某人的性格是他行动的方式,并认为这使不同于其他人。
C. 人的性格指的是他办事和思考的方式,以及使他不同于其他人的方式
D. 性格是指他的行为和思考方式,这使得他与其他人不同
[单项选择]The passage supplies information for answering which of the following questions
A. (A) What do historiographers consider to be the precise difference between a nation and a nation-state
B. (B) What concepts in the field of historiography are considered unambiguous
C. (C) Are tribal areas without national spatial markers ever represented as nations
D. (D) What is an example of a nation represented in supra-national units
E. (E) How does the establishment of national spatial boundaries produce political problems
[单项选择]One reason people sometimes cover their mouths while lying is that ________.

A. they wish those words had not come out of their mouths
B. mouth is very sensitive to physical changes caused by lying
C. they are trying unconsciously to stop themselves from telling lies
D. they regret that their lies might hurt other people’s feelings
[单项选择]The passage provides information in support of which of the following assertions


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