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发布时间:2024-03-29 04:38:48

[单项选择]We are going to Shanghai ______.

A. by a plane
B. by the plane
C. by plane
D. on plane

更多"We are going to Shanghai ______."的相关试题:

[单项选择]We are going to Shanghai ______.
A. by a plane
B. by the plane
C. by plane
D. on plane
[单项选择]We were so busy that we had to () going on holiday for a month.
A. put away
B. put down
C. put off
D. put out
[单项选择]We were so busy that we had to()going on holiday for a month.
A. put away
B. put down
C. put off
D. put out
[单项选择]I'm going to spend the winter vacation in Shanghai ______I have some relatives.
A. because
B. which
C. that
D. where
[单项选择]When the football match was going on, we cheered for our team and we shouted and shouted until our voices went______.
A. hoarse
B. coarse
C. false
D. horse
[单项选择]We are going to learn()next week.
A. Lesson Twelve
B. Lesson Twelfth
C. Twelfth Lesson
D. the lesson Twelfth
[单项选择]To understand what we are going to talk about today, you have to rely on what you have read previously.
A. beforehand
B. carefully
C. before
D. in advance
[单项选择]We are going to send advertising material to the ______clients.
[单项选择]We're going to ______ the task that we haven't finished.
A. take away
B. carry on
C. get onto
D. keep off
[单项选择]We know from the text that those who are going to Japan will ______.

A. teach English only in Osaka
B. receive a degree from a university
C. have free accommodation
D. get trained for the job
[单项选择]The Smiths are going to ______ in Shanghai on Sunday.
A. be
B. are
C. is
[单项选择]In the third paragraph, by saying "we are going to be a nation of lawbreakers", Cisle Hanne- myr is suggesting that _________.

A. the law was clear and enforceable.
B. the law needs to be rediscussed.
C. everyone in Norway has engaged in piracy.
D. the current form of the law will not be accepted by the peoples
[单项选择]The subject () we are going to turn is about English studies.
A. about which
B. with which
C. about that
D. to which
[单项选择]It is hard to tell whether we are going to have a boom in the economy or a ______.
A. concession
B. recession
C. submission
D. transmission


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