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发布时间:2024-03-29 20:44:31


Fireworks are a big part of Fourth of July celebrations in the United States, as hundreds of thousands of Americans enjoyed public pyrotechnic displays across the country Sunday night to celebrate the U.S. birthday. The holiday throws the spotlight on another annual campaign ,an effort to completely ban consumer fireworks in the United States.
As Americans around the country watched July Fourth fireworks celebrations, debate has been simmering about whether individuals should be allowed to buy fireworks to celebrate privately. Seven U.S. states prohibit sales of all consumer fireworks. A coalition of groups, led by James Shannon, president of the non-profit fire safety group, the National Fire Protection Association, says that ban should be extended to include the entire United States. "Those fireworks axe inherently dangerous products," he said. "There might be another problem with some of them being designed defectively, so that they are particularly dang
A. fireworks are a big part of Fouth of July celebration and their use should not be banned
B. people should exercise care when using them
C. fireworks are becoming more and more popular in the United States
D. Americans can be injury-free if they choose the right product

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Fireworks are a big part of Fourth of July celebrations in the United States, as hundreds of thousands of Americans enjoyed public pyrotechnic displays across the country Sunday night to celebrate the U.S. birthday. The holiday throws the spotlight on another annual campaign ,an effort to completely ban consumer fireworks in the United States.
As Americans around the country watched July Fourth fireworks celebrations, debate has been simmering about whether individuals should be allowed to buy fireworks to celebrate privately. Seven U.S. states prohibit sales of all consumer fireworks. A coalition of groups, led by James Shannon, president of the non-profit fire safety group, the National Fire Protection Association, says that ban should be extended to include the entire United States. "Those fireworks axe inherently dangerous products," he said. "There might be another problem with some of them being designed defectively, so that they are particularly dang
A. We should ban the fireworks in all states in US.
B. Children can easily been injured in fireworks display.
C. Americans should enjoy the freedom of using fireworks as much as they like.
D. US government should not totally ban the firework market, but better regulate it.

[单项选择]On the fourth of July 1776 the Declaration of Independence was adopted by the Continental Congress.

A. accepted
B. nominated
C. appointed
D. recommended
[单项选择]What does the fourth paragraph imply

[单项选择]What can be inferred from the fourth paragraph

A. The Fed will raise the interest rate to control the potential inflation.
B. The Fed will cut down the interest rate.
C. When the economic growth slows down, the rise of interest rate also slows.
D. The interest rate is utilized to decrease the prices of stocks.
[单项选择]The fourth paragraph of the passage primarily discusses ______.

[单项选择]According to the fourth paragraph, one disadvantage of alliances foreseen by the critics is that air travel may be more expensive as a result of ______.

A. less convenience
B. higher operation costs
C. less competition
D. more joint marketing
[单项选择]What can be said of the fourth paragraph


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