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发布时间:2024-03-28 18:23:35

[单项选择]I will have to have my watch mended ______ late.
A. in order not be
B. in order not to be
C. so that not be
D. so that not to be

更多"I will have to have my watch mended"的相关试题:

[单项选择]I will have to have my watch mended ______ late.
A. in order not be
B. in order not to be
C. so that not be
D. so that not to be
[单项选择]—I have just had my watch repaired.
—How much did they( )you for that
A. cost
B. Charge
C. spend
D. take
[单项选择]I have my application form in my hand, but I don't know which office room ______.

A. to send it to
B. to send it
C. to be sent to
D. to have it sent
[单项选择]I have just have my computer repaired.
How much did they ______ for it

A. pay
B. take
C. cost
D. spend
[单项选择]I have left my watch in the living-room. Would you please()it for me
A. take
B. bring
C. to carry
D. fetch
[单项选择]—Can I borrow your watch —Sorry, I have forgotten ______ at home.
[单项选择]My watch doesn't work. I must have it ______ tomorrow.

A. repaired
B. to repaired
C. repairing
[单项选择]My dentist suggested that I have my tooth ______

A. detracted
B. retracted
C. protracted
D. extracted
[单项选择]--Have you mended your shoes, Bob.
--Yes, I ______ them twenty minutes ago.

A. have mended
B. mended
C. had mended
[单项选择]Joe will have his father's gold watch because it is handed through in the family.( )
A. handed up
B. handed below
C. handed down
D. handed downwards
[单项选择]I will have to () my teacher before I make my decision.
A. connect
B. contact
C. combine
D. touch
[单项选择]My parents gave me a ______ watch for my birthday.

A. gold French modem
B. modem French gold
C. French gold modem
D. French modem gold
[单项选择]I have my teeth ______ once every year.
[单项选择]—Mummy, I have broken my train. —I told you so. You ______ on it.

[单项选择]I have made an appointment with my dentist to have my tooth pulled out this afternoon.

A. 今天下午我和给我拔牙的牙医有个约会。
B. 今天下午我和牙医约好让他给我拔牙。
C. 我和牙医约好今天下午来拿我拔掉的那颗牙。
D. 我指定了一个牙医今天下午给我拔牙。


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