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发布时间:2024-03-28 18:53:46

[单项选择]Physical and mental tasks were carried out by the women ______.

A. prior to strenuous exercise
B. following strenuous exercise
C. before they were subjected to unusual pressure
D. after they were subjected to unusual pressure

更多"Physical and mental tasks were carr"的相关试题:

[单项选择]Physical and mental tasks were carried out by the women ______.

A. prior to strenuous exercise
B. following strenuous exercise
C. before they were subjected to unusual pressure
D. after they were subjected to unusual pressure
[单项选择]Because many of the warehouse workers were out sick today, Mr. Miller had to stock the goods on the shelves ().
A. itself
B. himself
C. herself
D. themselves
[单项选择]()the lights in Tom's room were out, Mary thought he was not at home.
A. Seeing
B. Saw
C. Having seen
D. Have seen
[单项选择]The troops were called out to _________ the disturbance.
A. put aside
B. put across
C. put about
D. put down
[单项选择]Originally canoes were made by the hollowing out of logs and used were for combat as well as transport.
[单项选择]To work out a person's mental ratio, one must ______.

A. know his date of birth
B. give him a test
C. find out his mental age
D. know the relationship between his mental age with his chronological age
[单项选择]They were just going out()it began to rain.
A. when
B. as
C. while
D. and
[单项选择]I looked at a number of spoons which were () out in front of me, trying to find out the right one for the soup.
A. lied
B. lain
C. laid
D. landed
[单项选择]Only yesterday()out that my documents were missing.
A. did I find
B. I found
C. I have found
D. Had I found
[单项选择]So heavy ()that we were prevented from going out.
A. the rain was
B. is the rain
C. was the rain
D. would the rain be
[单项选择]Only yesterday () out that my documents were missing.
A. did I find
B. I found
C. I have found
D. Had I found
[单项选择]They were surprised that a child should work out the problem ______ they themselves couldn't.
A. once
B. then
C. while
D. if


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