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发布时间:2024-03-29 20:21:23

[单项选择]The report of UNESCO tells us a reality that ______.
A. the development and the developing countries face a common problem
B. literacy is not a by-product of social and economic development
C. our view of literacy is very limited
D. illiterates constitute a large part of the world population

更多"The report of UNESCO tells us a rea"的相关试题:

[单项选择]The report of UNESCO tells us a reality that ______.
A. the development and the developing countries face a common problem
B. literacy is not a by-product of social and economic development
C. our view of literacy is very limited
D. illiterates constitute a large part of the world population
[单项选择]The news report tells us that when the crash occurred ______.
A. the ambulances and firemen arrived quickly
B. none of the passengers was killed
C. no additional help was necessary
D. help was long delayed
[单项选择]The author tells us that
A. whether a liquid-fuel or a solid-fuel rocket is better depends on the purpose
B. neither type is superior
C. forty years ago, large solid-fuel rockets with solid fuels as powerful as liquid fuels were made
D. the thrust can be made to vary by adjusting the direction of the pump
[单项选择]This passage tells us that()
A. the United Nations thinks it possible to avoid a population explosion
B. 5.1 billion people are living in the underdeveloped countries
C. in advanced nations the population growth is being controlled
D. the world's population is increasin
[单项选择]The passage tells us that researchers wish that they could find out ______.
[单项选择]The passage tells us that the most probable reason for the death of the mice in Ader's experiment was that ________.
A. they had been weakened psychologically by the saccharin
B. the sweetener was poisonous to them
C. their immune systems had been altered by the mind
D. they had taken too much sweetener during earlier conditioning
[单项选择]The second sentence of the last paragraph tells us that it is______.

A. preferable to have a sound sleep before a night shift
B. good practice to eat something light before we go to bed
C. essential to make up for cost sleep
D. natural to take a nap whenever we Teel the need for it
[单项选择]The advertisement tells us that the book which goes with the exhibition ______ .

A. is called Londoners
B. is called Britain
C. contains only 20 pictures
D. contains less than 200 illustrations
[单项选择]The last sentence of the third paragraph tells us that ______.

[单项选择]The passage tells us that some manufacturers, instead of changing their product, would prefer to change its _________.
A. production cost
B. quality
C. market value
D. appeal
[单项选择]This passage tells us something about American ______.

A. colleges and universities
B. families
C. young people
[单项选择]The writer tells us of the brighter side for SARS in ______.

A. two
B. three
C. five
D. four


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