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发布时间:2024-03-29 06:35:47

[单项选择]Why do the less developed countries welcome the multinationals

A. Because multinationals are more developed.
B. Because multinationals bring investment and jobs.
C. Because multinationals conduct their operations through branches.
D. Because multinationals are wealthier.

更多"Why do the less developed countries"的相关试题:

[单项选择]Why do the less developed countries welcome the multinationals
A. Because multinationals are more developed.
B. Because multinationals bring investment and jobs.
C. Because multinationals conduct their operations through branches.
D. Because multinationals are wealthier.
[单项选择]When do some less developed countries allow tax-free investment reserves
A. When the economy of those countries is not doing well.
B. At a later stage for investment in those countries.
C. When an unfavorable depreciation in allowance is used.
D. When the property of the plant is written off at a lower rate in the later years.
[单项选择]According to the passage, less developed countries ______.

A. Spend little on research
B. realize that progress depends on basic research
C. encourage their career scientists to experiment
D. devote less than 7% of their scientific budget to basic research
[单项选择]Less developed countries ______.
A. spend little on research
B. realize that progress depends on basic research
C. encourage their career scientists to experiment
D. devote less than 7% of their scientific budget to basic research
[单项选择]The government of the developed countries may prefer to a ______ population.

A. stable
B. slowly-increasing
C. fast-increasing
D. declining
[单项选择]By 2030 the governments in developed countries may put an end to fixed retirement ages ______.
A. to save the current pension system
B. to ensure the benefits for healthy pensioners
C. to realize full retirement benefits substantially
D. to relieve the pensions burden on the working population
[单项选择]______ with the developed countries, some African countries am left far behind in terms of people's living standard.
A. Compare
B. To compare
C. Compared
D. Comparing
[单项选择]Why do the schools in Finland have less state spending

A. Because the number of students is declining.
B. Because the number of old people is increasing.
C. Because the economy is far from good.
D. Because more money is spent on Internet usage and environmental practices.


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