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发布时间:2024-03-29 02:26:19

[单项选择]In some languages like ______, pitch variations are meaning distinctive. Therefore they are called tone languages.

A. Chinese
B. English
C. French
D. German

更多"In some languages like ______, pitc"的相关试题:

[单项选择]In some languages like ______, pitch variations are meaning distinctive. Therefore they are called tone languages.

A. Chinese
B. English
C. French
D. German
[单项选择]Fire engines and ambulances in some communities are painted in ______.

A. red as a signal of danger.
B. green for it is associated with defense and self-preservation.
C. blue which is a calming color.
D. yellow, which can produce a more basic state of alertness and alarm.
[单项选择]By producing an excess amount of some household articles, a New England colonial family could{{U}} barter{{/U}} with other families.
A. share
B. trade
C. repair
D. sell
[单项选择]Although the sport is very popular, some people are still ______.
A. expanding its equipment
B. asking for instructions
C. afraid of going down the mountainsides
D. curious about the sport
[单项选择]Children have a variety of interests. Some like sports; some like music; () like literature.
A. the others
B. others
C. the other
D. other
[单项选择]Some Europeans like teleshopping because

A. the traffic is an important problem
B. they can buy things of good quality
C. they can do shopping at home
[单项选择]By saying that the problems of mechanizing some areas are not only cultural in nature, the author means ______.
A. mechanization is not yet introduced in some areas for economic reasons
B. human and animal labour in some areas are less expensive
C. culture is not a factor in obstacling the introduction of mechanization
D. different kinds of mechanized farming tools are used in different cultures
[单项选择]Some students like staying up Date into the night,()their lessons for the coming final examination.
A. to prepare
B. prepare
C. preparing
D. were preparing
[单项选择]Some people like to own an expensive car as a symbol of ______.
A. status
B. statue
C. state
D. stature
[单项选择]Why don't some people like canned and frozen vegetables
[单项选择]Some people like playing football while ______ enjoy playing baseball.
A. the others
B. others
C. the other
D. another
[单项选择]______ comes from sheep and some people like eating it.
A. Wool
B. Pork
C. Mutton


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