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发布时间:2024-03-19 07:57:04

[单项选择]To help keep prices from going higher, people and groups in California ______.

A. imposed reasonable price caps
B. beat down the door of federal regulators
C. urged the federal authorities to take action
D. struggled against federal policy to hike prices

更多"To help keep prices from going high"的相关试题:

[单项选择]To help keep prices from going higher, people and groups in California ______.
A. imposed reasonable price caps
B. beat down the door of federal regulators
C. urged the federal authorities to take action
D. struggled against federal policy to hike prices
[单项选择]How far people keep from each other while talking is closely associated with their

A. origin
B. culture
C. custom
D. nationality
[单项选择]Without the help of people from every corner of the world, people in Wenchuan County, Sichuan Province ______ recovered very quickly from the May twelfth Earthquake.
[单项选择]Some people want to keep up with the Joneses because they ______.

[单项选择]A little ______ is all some people need to keep doing a good job.

A. assurance
B. persuasion
C. encouragement
D. confirmation
[单项选择]I don’t like to ask people for help as a rule but I wonder if you could______ me a favor.
A. make
B. do
C. find
D. pick
[单项选择]Which kind of people will keep intellectual vigor

A. A person in a stable marriage with a stimulating spouse.
B. A lucky person.
C. A person who likes asking.
D. A relatively poor person.
[单项选择]The effect of higher oil prices has been substantially offset by the recent yen appreciation.
A. represented
B. increased
C. cancelled out
D. paid
[单项选择]What is the essential for the young people to keep a good relationship

A. Privacy.
B. Mutual understanding.
C. Success.
D. Common topic.
[多项选择]People suffering from obesity may suffer from
[单项选择]Many people keep dogs as pets because dogs are regarded as()friends to people.
A. lonely 
B. only 
C. loyal 
D. fair


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