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发布时间:2024-03-29 18:06:56

[单项选择]Judith Sargeant Murray's position can be best expressed by______.

更多"Judith Sargeant Murray's position c"的相关试题:

[单项选择]Judith Sargeant Murray's position can be best expressed by______.

[单项选择]Even the best medical treatment can not cure all the diseases that ______ men and women.
A. beseech
B. beset
C. bewitch
D. bestow
[单项选择]The best thing you can do for your interviewers is to make his/her job easier.
A. 在面试时,你能为考官所做的最好的事就是使他或她的工作变得更轻松。
B. 面试时你最好请考官让你做点容易的事情,这样他或她的工作就会轻松多了。
C. 面试时你得为考官做点儿容易的事情,这几乎是你能做到的最好的事情。
D. 你最好能做到考官在面试时使他或她的工作变得轻松。
[单项选择]Which of the following statements can best describe the telephone in the U. S

A. It’s very inexpensive.
B. It saves a lot of trouble.
C. It’s very convenient.
D. A,B andC.
[单项选择]Which of the following statement can best summarize the main idea of the passage

A. Bangladeshi women living in Britain suffer from different levels of anxiety.
B. Western models prove to be unsuccessful in treating psychological problems of ethnic groups.
C. Mental problems of ethnic groups have not got due recognition.
D. People relate better to people of similar backgrounds.
[单项选择]Which of the following adjectives can best describe the author's attitude toward water pollution problem

A. concerned
B. indifferent
C. deserved
D. surprised
[单项选择]A project manager can BEST resolve the differences between the requirements of one stakeholder and those of another by saying which of these statements
[单项选择]A man's () is best when he can forget himself and any reputation he may have required and can concentrate wholly on making the right decisions.
A. anticipation
B. acknowledgment
C. expectation
D. judgment
[单项选择]Where can visitors find the best English food

A. In London.
B. In the countryside.
C. In good restaurants.
D. At English homes.
[单项选择]The best solution to the problem can only be found by a process of trail and ______.
A. mistake
B. error
C. success
D. experiment
[单项选择]Which statement can best express the main idea of this news item

A. Nuclear technology is available on the black market.
B. European countries have cut down on defense budgets.
C. NATO is being urged by the U.S. to set up a new defense system.
D. NATO allies are expected to hold a summit.
[单项选择]Which of the following words can best describe Mike after the course at the camping school

A. Independent.
B. Happy.
C. Determined.
D. Robust.
[单项选择]Which adjective can best describe Framton's feeling when talking with Mrs. Sappleton

A. Apprehensive.
B. Churlish.
C. Glum.
D. Respectful.
[单项选择]Which of the following can best express the author's attitude toward objectiveness

A. There exists no absolute objectiveness in news writing or reporting.
B. To interpret the news is a way to be objective for the readers.
C. Objectiveness is controlled by editors rather than writers.
D. Poorly choosing facts prepares a solid ground for objectiveness.
[单项选择]What can best be said about the instructions given here

A. They had to be repeated.
B. They were easy for the man to remember.
C. The woman made a mistake.
D. The woman took them from a book.


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