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发布时间:2024-03-29 04:53:56


China’s entry into the WTO actually represents the result of a three-sided win-win situation--China, the United States and the WTO. China, still a developing country, has a total economic capacity (1) seventh worldwide, and is the 10th largest nation (2) trade worldwide. In the 21st century, China’s economy will greatly (3) the world economy. Without China, the WTO is (4) , and its role greatly (5) Thus, China’s entry into the WTO is ,necessary for the WTO to (6) its universality. (7) the United States, China’ s entry into the WTO will realize the general needs of the development (8) and the mutual interests of Sino-U. S. (9) trade, and will help gradually solve the problem of huge deficits in the U.S. trade with China.
As for China, through 13 years of difficult negotiations, China has finally realized its (10) of joining the WTO as a developing country: the bilateral agreement
A. Because of
B. In the way of
C. As for
D. By means of

更多"China’s entry into the WTO ac"的相关试题:


China’s entry into the WTO actually represents the result of a three-sided win-win situation - China, the United States and the WTO. China, still a developing country, has a total economic (1) ranking seventh worldwide, and is the 10th largest nation (2) trade worldwide. In the 21st century, China’s economy will have a (3) impact on the world economy. Without China, the WTO is (4) , and its role greatly limited. Thus, China’s entry into the WTO is necessary for the WTO to realize its (5) , (6) the United States, China’s entry into the WTO will (7) the general needs of the development (8) and the mutual interests of Sino U.S. (9) trade, and will help gradually solve the problem of huge deficits in the U.S. trade with China.
As for China, through 13 years of difficult (10) , China has finally realized its (11) of joining the WTO as a developing country: the bilateral agreem
A. perceives
B. distinguishes
C. incorporates
D. embodies


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