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发布时间:2024-03-15 18:18:20

[单项选择]Many museums now provide educational services and children's departments. ______the usual displays, they also offer film showings and dance programs.

A. As well as
B. Rather than
C. With the exception of
D. In addition to

更多"Many museums now provide educationa"的相关试题:

[单项选择]Many museums now provide educational services and children's departments. ______the usual displays, they also offer film showings and dance programs.

A. As well as
B. Rather than
C. With the exception of
D. In addition to
[单项选择]How many children's museums have been set up in America in the past 15 years

A. About 100.
B. Less than 80.
C. Over 180.
D. Altogether 215.
[单项选择]Why can' t we provide as many houses as needed

A. Because we cannot make the choice.
B. Because we do not have enough resources.
C. Because we do not have a free housing market.
D. Because education is more important than housing.
[单项选择]How many orangutans are left now

A. 25 000.
B. Over 25 000.
C. About 25 000.
D. No more than 25 000.
[单项选择]Now many manufacturers build their business reputations by enclosing ______ in the new products in case of damage in shipment or by incorrect operation.
A. categories
B. accessories
C. analogies
D. observatories
[单项选择]Now many renowned universities tend to have their own ______ middle and senior schools.

A. assigned
B. enrolled
C. mingled
D. affiliated
[单项选择]According to the report, how many overseas are now studying in Britain

A. 100,000
B. 300,000
C. 600,000
D. 900,000
[单项选择]In many cities pedestrians are now much safer because ______.
A. no traffic is allowed on some streets
B. traffic is computer-controlled
C. cars move very slowly
D. only one way streets are open to traffic
[单项选择]Plastics materials are now replacing many other materials in our daily life()
A. 现在,塑料物质正侵入我们的日常生活。
B. 现在塑料材料代替日常生活中许多其他的材料而占有市场。
C. 在我们的日常生活中,塑料材料现在正取代许多别的材料。
D. 在日常生活中,塑料材料取代许多别的材料。
[单项选择]Approximately how many electric cars are now on California roads
A. 200
B. 2,000
C. 20,000
D. 200,000

Text 2
Now that many media chieftains have fallen into disrepute and have left, those who are still in positions feel the need to take the problem seriously.
"CEOs were overturned as were some stocks." That is how AOL Time Warner entertainment group Chairman Jeff Bewkes summed it up. The era of the "imperial" (one-man rule) CEO has come to an end, MTV Networks Chairman Tom Freston added.
The two executives agreed that the industry’s complex and often ill-fated megs mergers had proven that bigger is not necessarily better, no matter how big the reputations of the personalities behind them.
The continuing flameout of media executives who a few years ago were hailed as visionaries was active this month, and the industry’s fears reached into the executive ranks of music, publishing and TV.
Technology visionary Steve Case left as chairman of AOL Time Warner, replaced by Chief Executive Richard Parsons. Top
A. media chieftains are visionary and active.
B. media executives have big reputations and nice personalities.
C. the media industry should be cautious about merger.
D. the media industry is too complicated to handle.


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