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发布时间:2024-03-28 22:16:45

[单项选择]A Russian-made rocket ______ a US telecommunications satellite ______ successfully ______ on Thursday.

A. carrying; is; launched
B. carrying; was; launched
C. carried; has; launched
D. carried; has been; launched

更多"A Russian-made rocket ______ a US t"的相关试题:

[单项选择]The earliest method of delivering telecommunications is the ______.
A. telegraph
B. telephone
C. e-mail
D. letter
[单项选择]ASCEND : ROCKET ::
A. multiply : precipitate
B. inflate : bend
C. dilate : bulge
D. contract : implode
E. heat : evaporate
[单项选择]How fast will a rocket go to escape completely from the Earth's gravity ______

A. Seventy miles per second.
B. Seven thousand miles per hour.
C. Twenty-five thousand miles per second.
D. Twenty-five thousand miles per hour.
[单项选择]What is the most important factor for a rocket to escape from the Earth ______

A. To travel as fast as it can.
B. To overcome the Earth gravity.
C. To get away from the air resistance.
D. To have strong power in its operation.
[单项选择]Before the first Apollo rocket went to the Moon, a spot for landing the lunar module was carefully chosen.
A. climate
B. latitude
C. sea
D. location
[单项选择]It can be inferred that if a rocket misses its target, it keeps on traveling through space until ______.

A. it reaches the "black hole"
B. it is caught in the gravitational field of another planet
C. it runs out of fuel
D. it explodes
[单项选择]The multi-tube boiler system made the Rocket, Robert’s locomotive, ______.

A. powerful
B. achieve a speed of 30 miles an hour
C. acquire 25 little tubes
D. good for hauling trains
[单项选择]A rocket might miss its target, by a "wide margin". This means the rocket missed the target ______.
A. because of mechanical failure
B. by a great deal
C. by a small distance
D. because the target moved
[单项选择]Jet belts and rocket belts were developed ______.
A. 20-30 years ago
B. 50 years ago
C. recently
D. 30 years ago
[单项选择]The purpose of the author in discussing a rocket engine and a steel cylinder is ______.

[单项选择]______ reported the rocket attacks.

A. Two hospitals
B. Local newspapers
C. A news agency
D. Leaders of the main factions


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