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发布时间:2023-09-27 22:29:29

[单项选择]Why do you want a new job ______you've got such a good one already
A. that
B. where
C. which
D. when

更多"Why do you want a new job ______you"的相关试题:

[单项选择]Why do you want a new job ______you've got such a good one already
A. that
B. where
C. which
D. when
[单项选择]Why did Owen want to change his job
A. To put his research results into practice.
B. To find a better working environment.
C. To do something meaningful when retired.
D. To set up his own pharmaceutical company.
[单项选择]If you want the rainbow, you've got to______the rain.

A. get up with
B. put up with
C. come up with
D. catch up with
[简答题]You’ve got a phone call for Wang Dagang, your roommate, from a girl named Liu Fang. But Wang Dagang is away to another part of the city at the moment. Write a note to Wang Dagang , transmitting her message to him.
Marks will be awarded for content, organization, grammar and appropriateness.

[单项选择]You've got it on the ______.

A. knot
B. bottleneck
C. button
D. right
[填空题]After she got a new job, Lisa Perez regretted that she had .not done volunteering work earlier.

[单项选择]What should you do if you have got some polish on the skin around your fingernail

A. Watch your brush.
B. Clean up as you go.
C. Apply in minimal sweeps.
D. Start with clean nails.
[单选题]How many( ) you got give me?
-I've got one.
A. Sheep
B. report
C. suspicious
D. chicken
[单选题]How many ( ) you got give me?
-I've got five.
A. Sheep
B. advice
C. suspicious
D. chicken
Two months ago you got a job as an editor for the magazine Designs & Fashions. But now you find that the work is not what you expected. You decide to quit. Write a letter to your boss, Mr. Wang, telling him your decision, stating your reason(s), and making an apology.
Write your letter with about 100 words. Write it neatly on ANSWER SHEET 2. Do not sign your own name at the end of the letter; use "Li Ming" instead. You do not need to write the address.
[单项选择]Why do many people want to seek to adopt abroad

A. Many people want to adopt an infant or a very young child who share their ethnic heritage and they may find a shortage of suitable children available for adoption in the United States.
B. The public regard the parents can not give birth to the child so they seek to adopt abroad.
C. In a few, wealthy families in the United States, some parents have attempted to claim their abilities and conditions to adopt one or more child to ease the pressure of society.
D. There are children-sales agencies who provide enough children to the prospective parents.
[单项选择]—Dose Tom do his new job well
—______his old job. How stupid ! I think there is no hope for him.

A. No better than
B. Not better than
C. Not se well as
D. No as well as
[单项选择]Man: Would you like to have some icecream I've got a variety of flavors.
Woman: I wish I could, but I just can't. I'm on a diet.
Question: What do we learn about the woman
A. She is difficult to please.
B. She is particular about flavor.
C. She is trying to lose weight.
D. She is crazy about icecream.
[填空题] Do you feel terrified when you go for a job interview I think we all feel the same way to a greater or lesser extent. It’s natural for us, during the course of the interview, to think of the reasons why we shouldn’t get the job rather than why we should, for example, the qualifications aren’t quite right, the job sounds far too demanding, can I take the responsibility Have I been out of the workforce for too long Instead of concentrating on your weaknesses, concentrate on your strengths. Instead of worrying about the fact that you’re "too old", think about all the wisdom and experience you can bring to a job which a younger person perhaps can’t. It’s a good idea to spend some time trying to sort out what the employer wants. Don’t go into an interview "blind"—do some homework. Even if the job functions seem obvious, make a list of them starting with the most important ones. Then under each function put down two or three things you have done that are relevant. If you’re changing jobs, emphasize your skills and not your official title of employment. Many skills are transferred and what you must emphasize is how your skills can be transferable from one field to another. Such skills could include speaking, writing and editing, organizing, managing, and supervising. Talking to people, in the same or related fields, and looking through professional journals are other hints for successful preparation for the job you deserve! Suggestions for Interviewees Problems of many interviewees: They feel (46) Suggestions for a job interviewee: 1. to think of our (47) 2. to think that we have more (48) than a younger person 3. to pay more attention to (49) if we are changing jobs 4. Besides talking to people in the same occupation, (50) ia another preparation to get a job. 46()


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