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发布时间:2023-09-27 22:29:29

[单项选择]He gave up ______on medical advice.
A. drinking
B. to drink
C. drink
D. to being drink

更多"He gave up ______on medical advice."的相关试题:

[单项选择]He gave up ______on medical advice.
A. drinking
B. to drink
C. drink
D. to being drink
[单选题] () he failed in the maths exam again, () he never gave up.
A. Because,so
B. Because,/
C. Although,but
D. Although, /
[单项选择]When he just got off the plane, he gave us a good description of()he had seen in Spain.
A. what
B. that
C. which
D. how
[单项选择]"He gave me () $100!" he said with satisfaction.
A. no less than
B. no more than
C. something like
D. only
[单项选择]The reason he gave for his absence was obviously ______ , for it was not the same excuse he told to another person.

A. generated
B. manufactured
C. fabricated
D. formulated
[单项选择]He gave me the wrong news. I was()
A. cheating
B. misleading
C. mistaken
D. misinformed
[单项选择]It was not until he took up fishing that he ______ to relax.
A. had been beginning
B. began
C. had begun
D. beginning
[单项选择]I am sure he is up to the job()he would give his mind to it.
A. if only
B. in case
C. until
D. unless
[单项选择]After he gave a report about the school, Mr. White ______ the visitors around it.

A. went on to show
B. went on showing
C. went on with showing
D. keep on showing
[单项选择]The policeman was regarded as a hero()he gave his life for his country.
A. according to
B. because of
C. on account of
D. because
[单项选择]Although he was born and brought up in America, he ______ Chinese fluently.
A) speaks C) can speak
B) will speak D) would speak

A. Although he was born and brought up in America, he ______ Chinese fluently.
B. speaks
C. will speak
D. can speak
E. would speak
[单项选择]He gave her some beautiful roses ______her kindness.
A. in control of
B. in place of
C. in return for
D. in the name of
[单项选择]I’m sure he is up to the job ______ he would give his mind to it.
A. if only
B. in case
C. until
D. unless
[单项选择]The reason why he was late is __________ he got up too late.

A. that
B. because
C. as
D. for
[单项选择]I'm sure he is up to the job______he would give his mind to it.
A. if only
B. in case
C. until
D. unless
[单选题] He gave us( ) on how to keep safe.
A. some advices
B. some advice
C. an advice
D. a advice
[单项选择]He gave me a lot of help in my work. so I have to ______ my success to him.
A. grant
B. ascribe
C. commit
D. submit
[填空题]In spite of his trouble, he gave the (appear)()of being happy.


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