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发布时间:2023-09-27 22:29:29

[单项选择]They found the ______bridge when they went across the village.
A. old stone Chinese
B. Chinese old stone
C. old Chinese stone
D. Chinese stone old

更多"They found the ______bridge when th"的相关试题:

[单项选择]They found the ______bridge when they went across the village.
A. old stone Chinese
B. Chinese old stone
C. old Chinese stone
D. Chinese stone old
[单项选择]What impressed the author most when he went to watch the lions in the Gir Forest

A. The lions were on the brink of extinction.
B. They were suffering from a fatal disease.
C. They allowed him to see their vitality and charm at close quarters.
D. Mother lion and her cub shared a deer.
[单项选择]A few days later when Jack went to Manchester again, ______.

[单项选择]When they went into the shop and asked to look at the engagement rings, the girl brought out the cheapest ones, ______ she had arranged with James.
A. those were what
B. what was what
C. which was what
D. in which
[单项选择]Sam: Was the driving pleasant when you went to Mexico last summer
Lili: No, it()for four days when we arrived, so the roads were very muddy.
A. was raining
B. had been raining
C. would be raining
D. rained
[单项选择]When he went to the airport for the ticket, Tom suddenly realized that his passport had ______ for half a year.

A. abolished
B. expired
C. amended
D. constrained
[单项选择]Fields found that when the bacteria accounted for 100 parts per million of the grain, the beetles' supercooling point ______.

A. rose by 4℃
B. dropped by 4℃
C. rose by 5℃
D. dropped by 5℃
[单项选择]He()losing his house when his company went bankrupt.
A. endangered
B. chanced
C. threatened
D. risked
[单项选择]People on foot can go across the road when_____________.

When animals make long journeys across places where there is no food or shelter, such as deserts or oceans, it is very important that they should be able to find their way accurately.
Birds find their way by the stars at night and by the sun during the day. People thought that this was impossible. Then some scientists made an experiment. They put some migrating birds(候鸟)in cages inside a planetarium(天象图). When the operator turned the artificial sky(人造天空)round, the birds began to fly to the sides of the cage. Every time he moved it, the birds moved to a new position. Scientists discovered that they always flew toward the direction in which they would have flown if the sky had been real. This proved that they could see the stars and respond to them.
Many animals, especially birds, have a very precise sense of time, which is called their “internal clock”. In cloudy weather, birds delay setting off on long journeys, but if the cloud lasts for a long time,
A. Birds find their way by the stars at night and by the sun during the day.
B. Birds can tell the differences between real sky and artificial sky.
C. Birds can see the stars and would move when the stars change position.
D. Birds always fly to the sides of the cage.


When a bridge transmits an Ethernet frame, the Ethernet frame has ().

A. the broadcast address for the its source address
B. the bridge's LAN address for its destination address
C. the bridge's LAN address for its source address
D. none of the above
[单项选择]The students______ busily when Miss Brown went to get a book she ______in the office.

A. had written; left
B. were writing; has left
C. had written; had left
D. were writing; had left
[单项选择]When walking down the street, I came across David, when I()for years.
A. didn’t see
B. haven’t seen
C. hadn’t seen
D. wouldn’t see
[单项选择]When she saw the clouds, she went back to the house to ______ her umbrella.

A. bring
B. fetch
C. take
D. carry
[单项选择]When a customer claimed to have found a severed finger in a bowl of chilli served at a Wendy’s fast-food franchise in California, the chain’s sales fell by half in the San José area where the incident was reported. Wendy’s brand and reputation were at risk, until the claim was exposed as a hoax in late April and the company, operator of America’s third-biggest hamburger chain, was vindicated.
Yet the share price of Wendy’s International, the parent company, rose steadily through March and April, despite the finger furore and downgrades from analysts. One reason was heavy buying by hedge funds, led by Pershing Square Capital. This week Pershing made its intentions public, saying that it was worried by market rumours that Wendy’s might soon buy more fast-food brands, and arguing that the firm should be selling assets instead. Pershing’s approach indicates rising pressure on American restaurant companies to perform, at a time when the industry’s growth prospects look increasingly tou
A. truth.
B. joke.
C. revenge.
D. warn.


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